Managed Navigation for SharePoint Site

Here are the six steps to achieve the managed navigation on site.

What is Managed Navigation?

  • The managed navigation feature in SharePoint Server 2013 enables you to build navigation for a publishing site that is derived from a SharePoint managed metadata taxonomy.

  • Managed navigation also lets you create friendly URLs without changing the structure of your site.

  • Using managed navigation you can create the Multilevel Navigation.

  • Before you map the managed navigation make sure to activate the publishing feature in your team site, community site, etc.


Here are the steps to map the managed navigation on site,

Step 1: Go to your SharePoint site.

Share Point site

Step 2: Then select “Site settings” from your gear menu.

Site Settings

Step 3: On the Site Settings page, select the “Navigation” from "Look and Feel" section as in the following screenshot:


Step 4: Select the Managed Navigation from “Global Navigation” in Navigation Settings page.

Managed Navigation

Step 5: Select the term set which you want to map from “Managed Navigation: Term set

Step 6: Finally click “Ok” to save the navigation settings.


Successful term sets will be mapped to your site collection.

site collection

And also you can create multilevel navigation using term set.


  • You need to create termsets for each site Collection.


In this article we explored how to use the managed navigation in SharePoint online sites.