Month/Day Pattern in LightSwitch 2012

This article describes the use of the Month/Day Pattern in LightSwitch Visual Studio 2012.

Month/Day ("M" or "m") Format Specifier

The "M" or "m" Standard Format Specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is specified by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthDayPattern property.

 The custom format string is "MMMM dd".

Use the following procedure to create a sample showing how to use
the Month/Day Format Specifier on a Screen.

Step 1

Open the LightSwitch Application in Visual Studio 2012 and go to the Solution Explorer.

Solution Explorer

Right-click on "Data Sources" and choose "Add Table".

Add Table

The table appears in the Table Designer window. Insert the records in the following table.

Employee Table

Step 2

Now once again go to the Solution Explorer, right-click on Screens and choose "Add Screen".

Add Screen

The Add New Screen dialog box appears. Select the "Editable Grid Screen" from the Screen Template, inside screen information, choose "Employee" under screen data and provide some name to the Screen and click the "OK" button.

Add New Screen

The Screen Designer appears as shown below.

Screen Designer

Press F5 to run the application. Provide the information. We will get the following output. 

Output of Editable Grid Screen

Step 3

Now stop debugging the application. From the Table Designer select the "DOB" record as shown in the figure below.

Select DOB from Employee.jpg

Then go to the Format Pattern of the Property window in the Table Designer and either you can enter "M" in the format pattern for Month/Day Format Specifier.

M Format Pattern

Or you can enter "m" in the format pattern property window as shown below.

m Format Pattern Properties

Once again press F5 to run the application. This time we will get the following output.

Output of month day pattern

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