Using Header Property (Meta Content) in ASP.NET


We can programmatically change the Title or Cascading Style Sheet rules included in a Master Page, and then we can use the Page.Header property. This property returns an object that implements the IPageHeader interface. This interface has the following two properties:

  • StyleSheet
  • Title

For example, the page given below uses the SimpleMaster.master Master Page. It changes the Title and background color of the Master Page.

Default.aspx.vb File Code

Partial Class _Default
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        ' Changing title of the Page
        Page.Header.Title = String.Format("Header Content ({0})", DateTime.Now)

        ' Changing background of Page
        Dim myStyle As New Style()
        myStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
        Page.Header.StyleSheet.CreateStyleRule(myStyle, Nothing, "html")

        ' Creating Meta Description
        Dim metaDesc As New HtmlMeta()
        metaDesc.Name = "DESCRIPTION"
        metaDesc.Content = "A sample of using HtmlMeta controls"

        ' Creating Meta Keywords
        Dim metaKeywords As New HtmlMeta()
        metaKeywords.Name = "KEYWORDS"
        metaKeywords.Content = "HtmlMeta,Page.Header,ASP.NET"

        ' Adding Meta controls to HtmlHead
        Dim head As HtmlHead = CType(Page.Header, HtmlHead)
    End Sub
End Class

Default.aspx File Code

<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">

    This is my content.
    <br />This is my content.
    <br />This is my content.
    <br />This is my content.
    <br />This is my content.


In above code Page.Header property will return the server-side<head> tag contained in the Master Page. We can cast the object returned by this property to an HTMLHead control. For example, in above page modifies the Master Page <meta> tags. Tags are used by search engines when indexes the page. So, if we need to get higher rank in search then have to carefully write the tags.

Remember that the Page_Load() method in above example creates two HtmlMeta controls. The first control represents a Meta Description tag and the second control represents a Meta Keywords tag. Both HtmlMeta controls are added to the HtmlHead control's Controls collection. When the page is rendered, the following tags are added to the <head> tag:

        ' Creating Meta Description
        Dim metaDesc As New HtmlMeta()
        metaDesc.Name = "DESCRIPTION"
        metaDesc.Content = "A sample of using HtmlMeta controls"

        ' Creating Meta Keywords
        Dim metaKeywords As New HtmlMeta()
        metaKeywords.Name = "KEYWORDS"
        metaKeywords.Content = "HtmlMeta,Page.Header,ASP.NET"

        ' Adding Meta controls to HtmlHead
        Dim head As HtmlHead = CType(Page.Header, HtmlHead)


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