Dynamic Timer Control Duration from SharePoint List in Power Apps

Power App


In Power Apps, the Timer control allows you to display and manage time-related functions within your app. While the Timer control's duration is typically set statically, it's also possible to retrieve this duration dynamically from a SharePoint list. This capability adds a layer of flexibility and adaptability to your Power Apps solutions, enabling you to adjust timer durations based on data stored in SharePoint lists.


  1. Dynamic Adaptability: By fetching timer durations from SharePoint lists, your Power Apps become more dynamic and adaptable to changing requirements.
  2. Centralized Management: Utilizing SharePoint lists centralizes the management of timer durations, making it easier to update and maintain across multiple apps.
  3. Integration: Seamlessly integrate timer durations with other data stored in SharePoint, enhancing the overall functionality of your Power Apps.


  1. Dynamic Timer Durations: Timer durations are fetched in real-time from SharePoint lists, ensuring accuracy and timeliness.
  2. Customization: Tailor timer durations to specific scenarios or user requirements stored within SharePoint lists.
  3. Automation: Automate the process of updating timer durations by modifying the SharePoint list data, reducing manual effort.


  1. Limited Customization: The Timer control has limited customization options compared to other controls in Power Apps. Users may find it challenging to adjust its appearance or behavior to fit specific design requirements.
  2. Limited Functionality: The Timer control primarily serves the purpose of displaying time durations or intervals. It lacks advanced features found in dedicated timer applications, such as countdowns, alarms, or multiple timers simultaneously.
  3. No Pause/Resume Functionality: Power Apps Timer control doesn't natively support pause and resume functionality. Once started, the timer continues to run until it reaches its specified duration or is manually stopped.
  4. Platform Dependence: The Timer control's behavior may vary across different platforms and devices where the Power Apps are accessed. This inconsistency can lead to unexpected user experiences and difficulties in ensuring consistent functionality.
  5. Performance Impact: Utilizing Timer controls extensively within a Power App can potentially impact app performance, especially in complex or resource-intensive applications. Each active timer consumes system resources, which could lead to slower app responsiveness or increased loading times.
  6. Limited Trigger Events: The Timer control primarily relies on the OnTimerEnd event to trigger actions once the timer duration elapses. This limitation restricts the range of interactions and functionalities that can be implemented based on timer events.
  7. Not Suitable for Real-Time Updates: The Timer control's accuracy is subject to the refresh rate of the Power Apps environment. It may not be suitable for applications requiring real-time updates or precise timing, such as highly interactive games or synchronized multimedia presentations.
  8. Dependency on Power Apps Environment: The Timer control's functionality is tied to the Power Apps environment and its underlying infrastructure. Any disruptions or limitations within the Power Apps platform could affect the reliability and performance of Timer controls in deployed applications.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Power Apps.
    Open power app
  2. Click on the "Create" button.
  3. Select "Blank app".
    Blank app
  4. Choose "Blank tablet app" to create an app for tablet devices.
    Blank tablet app
  5. Provide a name for your app.
  6. Select "Create" to proceed.

Insert Timer Control

Insert Timer Control

  1. Within the Power Apps studio, locate the "Insert" tab in the top menu.
    Power Apps studio
  2. Click on "Input" and then select "Timer" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Position the timer control on the desired screen of your app.

Retrieve Timer Duration from SharePoint List.

Retrieve Timer Duration

Demo timer

  1. Navigate to the screen where the timer control is placed.
    Timer control
  2. Select the timer control.
  3. In the properties pane, locate the "Duration" property.
  4. Click on the formula bar next to the "Duration" property.
  5. Write a formula to retrieve the duration from the SharePoint list dynamically. For example.

Power Apps filter code

First(Filter(DemoTimerList, Title="Timer")).TimerMinutes

Replace "DemoTimerList" with the name of your SharePoint list, "Title" with the column containing the timer duration title, and "DurationField" with the column containing the timer duration value.

This formula utilizes the First function to extract the first item from a collection or list. Employing the Filter function, it further refines the selection based on a specific condition—in this case, filtering rows where the "Title" column equals "Timer". After filtering, the formula accesses the value of the "TimerMinutes" column associated with the selected item using dot notation.

  1. Press Enter to apply the formula.
  2. By following these steps, you can successfully retrieve timer durations dynamically from a SharePoint list in Power Apps, enhancing the flexibility and functionality of your applications.
    Successfully retriever


Leveraging SharePoint lists to dynamically fetch timer durations in Power Apps offers numerous benefits, including increased adaptability, centralized management, and seamless integration with other SharePoint data. While there are some limitations to consider, the step-by-step guide provided empowers users to implement this functionality effectively, enhancing the overall user experience and functionality of Power Apps solutions.

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