Exploring Performance with BenchmarkDotNet in .NET


Performance optimization is a crucial aspect of software development. As developers, we often strive to write efficient and fast code. However, measuring the performance of code accurately can be challenging. This is where BenchmarkDotNet, a powerful benchmarking library for .NET, comes into play. In this article, we will explore the features of BenchmarkDotNet and demonstrate how to use it to benchmark your .NET code.

What is BenchmarkDotNet?

BenchmarkDotNet is an open-source benchmarking library for .NET. It allows developers to define, run, and analyze benchmarks to measure the performance of their code. BenchmarkDotNet provides precise measurements, various run modes, and statistical analysis, making it an essential tool for optimizing .NET applications.

Getting Started

Before we start benchmarking, ensure you have BenchmarkDotNet installed in your project. You can install it via NuGet Package Manager Console using the following command:

dotnet add package BenchmarkDotNet

Creating Your First Benchmark

Let's create a simple benchmark to compare the performance of two different implementations of a function. Consider the following example where we want to find the factorial of a number. Now you create the ConsoleApp .

Create a Class name FactorialCalculator

public class FactorialCalculator
    public int CalculateRecursive(int n)
        if (n == 0 || n == 1)
            return 1;
        return n * CalculateRecursive(n - 1);

    public int CalculateIterative(int n)
        int result = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            result *= i;
        return result;

Let's use BenchmarkDotNet to create benchmarks for these methods and measure their performance.

using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using ConsoleApp2;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<FactorialBenchmarks>();

public class FactorialBenchmarks
    private readonly FactorialCalculator _calculator = new FactorialCalculator();

    public void RecursiveBenchmark()

    public void IterativeBenchmark()

In this example, we've created two benchmarks, RecursiveBenchmark and IterativeBenchmark, using the Benchmark attribute. The BenchmarkRunner.Run method triggers the benchmarks and generates a detailed report.

Running Benchmarks

  1. Build in RELEASE Mode
    • Open a terminal or command prompt.
    • Navigate to the project directory using the cd command.
    • Run the following command to build the project in RELEASE mode:
  2. Run Benchmarks
    After building the project in RELEASE mode, you can run your benchmarks using the dotnet run command.
    When building your project, it is crucial to do so in RELEASE mode in order to guarantee that the compiler applies optimizations. This will lead to more precise benchmark results. By following this suggestion, you can avoid receiving warning messages and anticipate dependable performance measurements for your benchmarks.
    When you have run it then you see 
    Running Benchmarks
    After running the program, it may take some time for the results to appear.
    • WorkloadPilot is the code you want to measure.
    • OverheadWarmup and OverheadActual account for the time and resources consumed by BenchmarkDotNet itself.
    • WorkloadWarmup measures the time it takes for your code to stabilize during the warm-up phase.
    • WorkloadActual measures the actual performance of your code once it has reached a stable state.

Result Summary Section

In the summary section, you’ll notice the two methods we are comparing, along with their performance metrics. The most important metric is the mean measure, which is the average time it takes to run each method.


BenchmarkDotNet simplifies the process of performance measurement in .NET applications. By providing accurate results and statistical analysis, it empowers developers to identify bottlenecks and optimize their code effectively. As you continue to develop high-performance applications, consider integrating BenchmarkDotNet into your workflow to ensure your code runs as efficiently as possible.