How To Solve The Schematic Workflow Failed Error In Angular


 How To Solve The Schymentic Workflow Failed See Above #17198 Error In Angular
As you can see in the above screenshot, the schematic workflow failed. This is an Angular error that occurs when the user creates a new project using node.js and vs code.
First, the user downloads and installs node.js and vs code and then runs a command on cmd/terminal “npm install –g @angular/CLI”, then creates a project using the command “ng new my-app”. After selecting routing and CSS, the system starts to create the project and after a few seconds, it will terminate and shows an error like “the schematic workflow failed see above”.
This means that your system didn't install npm because a few libraries are missing in your system due to low network or any other issue. Now your system has corrupted the npm and node module.
Now you have to need to follow some steps to solve this problem.
Step 1
First of all, you have to check your internet connection and its speed. If your speed is slow, then you have a chance to occur the same error again, so you have to need a high-speed internet connection. 
Step 2
Open VS Code, then go to the Terminal and click on the new terminal.
Step 3
Run the command “npm cache clean --force" which is used to clean the npm memory in your system.
npm cache clean --force
Step 4
Then run the command “ npm uninstall –g @angular/CLI” (this command is used to uninstall Angular CLI from your system).
npm uninstall –g @angular/CLI 
Step 5
Now you have to again install Angular CLI using the command “npm install –g @angular/cli@latest” (this command is used to install angular CLI in your system from the server)
npm install –g @angular/cli@latest
Step 6
After the complete installation of Angular CLI, you have to check the versions of the angular CLI and npm version using a few commands.
Now check the npm version using the command “npm -v”. After running this command, the system shows an npm version such as:
npm -v
How To Solve The Schymentic Workflow Failed See Above #17198 Error In Angular
Now check the Angular CLI version using the command “ ng --version”. After running this command, the system shows the CLI version and configuration.
ng --version
How To Solve The Schymentic Workflow Failed See Above #17198 Error In Angular
When you have to run ng --version command for checking the angular CLI configurationm you have to show a statement like IVY Workspace: like 
How To Solve The Schymentic Workflow Failed See Above #17198 Error In Angular
Few users know that there is an error in Angular, but it is not really an error.

What is IVY Workspace?

IVY workspace is a combination of two terms IVY + Workspace. That is used to create, compile, and run any angular application. In other words, you can say that IVY Workspace is a new version of the angular compiler that is released with the Angular 9 versions. This plays an important role in Angular applications.
IVY is a code name for angular next-generation compilation and rendering pipeline with the Angular 9 versions. The new compiler and all the instructions are used by default in the old runtime compiler and runtime. these are known as a view engine.
A set of angular applications and libraries is known as the Workspace. Angular workspace provides the workspace wide and project specification and default configuration build development tools.
Users have to create your project using command ng new my-app.
After running this command, users have to select the enable or disabled routing in your application. After routing, users have to select the stylesheet and after select the stylesheet user to have to enter after entering your project is starting to create. In the Angular 9 version, the application creating a view is changed. You can see that in the old version, Angular shows all the libraries and files in the project creating time. Now Angular only shows “installing package ……” statements. It will be shown like this:
How To Solve The Schymentic Workflow Failed See Above #17198 Error In Angular
After completely creating an application, the user has to go to the menu option and select the open folder option, then select your project, open a new terminal, and compile the project. When the project is completely compiled, the user has to open the browser and hit "localhost:4200" on the browser. After a few seconds, your application runs on the browser.


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