How To Use Web Table In Power BI


In a previous article, How To Get Data From Web Page Into Power BI, I have shown you how to import data from the web. Also I have shown you how to add a new table using web data. To create reports using these web tables you need to load any one table. Here in this article I am going to use ‘Table 11’ to create reports
How To Use Web Table In Power BI
You can use the main table, ‘Nike Tennis Shoes,’ directly or any one from table 1 to 10.
If you have gone though the previous article you remember that we have 2 columns in this table; i. e., ‘Shoe’, ‘Price’ and ‘Tag’. I have inserted many records in this table.
So, let’s start with the below steps.
Step 1
Our first step should be loading the table into Power BI. Once the table is loaded it shows like the below image. You can see the table in the right side of the BI tool and its three columns.
How To Use Web Table In Power BI
Step 2
Here I am using ‘Card’ visualization to show you the Price details. In the first image of this report I am showing you the sum of Price, the second image shows an average of price, the third image shows the maximum Price of the shoe and the last image shows the minimum price of the shoe.
How To Use Web Table In Power BI
In this above report I have changed the background color of the page. To do so, click on canvas and click on format and go to ‘Page Background’ and choose the color you like.
How To Use Web Table In Power BI
Similarly you can change the visual’s color by select the visual, click on format and go to background settings.
How To Use Web Table In Power BI
Step 3
Now I am using table visualization. Here I select all three columns. As in the above step I am changing the header color, field's background color, and border  of this visual.
You can also change the canvas color. Using this format, you can make an effective report. In ‘Format’ setting you will find many functionalities. Using these functionalities, you can add different colors, change font of text etc. and prepare an attractive report. 
How To Use Web Table In Power BI


I hope this article will help you to learn how we can get a data from web into the table form and how we can create our own table by web data. Also, you are able to use this additional table to create reports. Try to use the original table; i.e., ‘Nike Tennis Shoes’ which has multiple columns, or you can try a new web page to import data.

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