.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

API & React in a Single Solution 

Hi Coders. Today I am going to share a new solution for a problem which is to host API and client apps on a single solution. Many times we need to host two applications on the IIS for small-scale apps. I would recommend a separate solution for both if you are sharing your API with some other applications. 

Requirements: VS Code, IIS 

Step 1

Create the folder architecture for the application. 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

Step 2

Open folder location in VS code and open Terminal 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

dotnet new sln -o React_Api.sln 

Step 3

Create a WEB API inside the API folder using VS code terminal. 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

dotnet new webapi -o React_api.api 

This script creates a default API architecture which is created by Microsoft. We will consume this API in our client app. 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

Step 4

Add API to the solution 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

dotnet sln React_Api.sln add .\Api\React_api.api\React_api.api.csproj  

Step 5

Create a new client React app 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

npx create-react-app client_app 

This script creates a default react app architecture. 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

Step 7

Fetch API data into client_app inside App.js 

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; 
const App = () => { 
  const [final,setFinal]=useState([]); 
    fetch('').then((resp) => resp.json()).then((data)=>{setFinal(data)}); 
        return <li key={data.summary}>{data.summary}({data.temperatureC})</li> 
export default App;

Step 8

Add startup file location into API inside the program.cs 

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container. 
// Learn more about configuring Swagger/OpenAPI at https://aka.ms/aspnetcore/swashbuckle 
var app = builder.Build();
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline. 
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) {
app.UseCors(builder => {

Step 9

The next step is to publish client_app inside API wwwroot folder. 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

npm run build ../../Api/React_Api.Api/wwwroot 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

Step 10

Finally, publish the API  

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

dotnet publish --configuration Release 

This is the final architecture of the published file 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

Step 11

Now host the application over IIS and set the physical path to the Published folder. 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution

Now we can run this app over a web browser 

.NET Core API And React In A Single Solution


This is one way to create and host small-scale apps in a single solution. This procedure is not bound to react only. We can apply this to Angular as well. 

Now code and run. Your single solution Api is ready. Happy Coding. 

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