Out Vs Ref In C#

In C#, the out keyword is used to pass an argument to a method by reference. This means that the method can modify the value of the argument, and those changes will be reflected in the calling code. Here's an example:

Out vs Ref in C#

In the example above, the Divide method takes three arguments: numeratordenominator, and result. The result argument is marked with the out keyword, which means that the Divide method can modify its value. When the method is called, the result variable is passed by reference, so when the method divides numerator by denominator and assigns the result to result, the result variable in the main method is updated with the new value.

On the other hand, the ref keyword is also used to pass an argument to a method by reference. The main difference between out and ref is that ref requires that the argument be initialized before it is passed to the method, whereas out does not. Here's an example of the ref keyword in action:

Out vs Ref in C#

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