Radio Control In Power Apps

Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, connectors, and data platforms that provides a rapid application development environment to build custom apps for your business needs. For more details click here.

Radio control is an input control that shows multiple options, of which users can select only one at a time. A Radio control, a standard HTML input control, is best used with only a few, mutually exclusive options. The control can have a horizontal or vertical layout.

Reading this article, you can learn how to use Radio control in Microsoft Power Apps.

Step 1

Open the URL in the browser for Power apps,

Create an account with your Organization Mail ID and log in. After loggong in to your Power Apps account,

Step 2

First, Click Create (+ ) and Select the Canvas app from blank.

Next, Give the App name as PARadioand Format as Phone.

Now, In the Power Apps studio environment, Select the Create a form option,

Step 3

To test the Radio control, Rename the Screen name as ScrRadio Rename the Form name as FrmRadio,

Add the following controls in the Form window for Radio Control feature view,

Insert the Label Control and set the Name property as LblName and Text Property as Radio Control in Power Apps.

Insert the Label Control and set the Name property as LblDept and Text Property as Select Your Dept.

Insert the Radio Control and set the Name property as RdDept and Set the Items Property as ["CSE","EEE","ECE","IT","MECH"] for dept items,

Next, we can Insert the Label Control and set the Name property as LblSel and Text Property as RdDept.Selected.Value for Selected dept.

Step 4

Now we can see the preview of your App in Power Apps Studio, and the output of the PARadio is,

After changing the option in Radio control,



Now you have successfully tested Radio Control - PARadio in the Power Apps Studio environment.

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