ReactJS - Introduction, Advantages And Disadvantages


This article is designed for beginner and intermediate professionals. I will post a series of articles on ReactJS which helps us to learn it from scratch.
In this article, we are going to cover,
  1. What is ReactJS?
  2. Key Points of ReactJS
  3. Version
  4. Advantages
  5. Disadvantages
We will start this article with,

What is ReactJS?

The above image describing the below 4 points, It says
  • Open Source
  • JavaScript Library
  • Developed by Facebook.
  • Used for only view (User Interface).
Let’s combine all the above points and React definition of would be,
“ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook for interactive user Interface”.
Please note that ReactJS is a library and not a framework and mainly use to build Rich UI and not for the full application. For other

Key Points of React?

Below are few key points about React Js,
  1. It is developed by Facebook in March 2013.
  2. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies.
  3. It can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. React Native can be used for mobile applications.
  4. React using a JSX compiler to exploit interactive complex solutions. We will discuss JSX in upcoming sessions.
  5. React Js is a popular, well - draft and widely applicable Java Script Technologies.
17.0.2 is the latest version of React js, released on 22 March 2021. We can check all available stable versions on GitHub.


Component base Architecture
See the below image as an example of component-based architecture.
React is component base architecture. We can break our application in many components like Header, Footer, Sidebar, Main content etc. Together these component makes powerful UI of your application.
Reusable code
Component base architecture is highly reusable. The below image tried to explain it,
 A component can be used for any application, even in other libraries or languages like Angular, Vue etc.
For example, I have a component like a book and I want to use that component in other projects which used Angular or Vue. You can easily do that.
For enterprise applications, the ability to reuse code has a huge advantage.
React is declarative 
  • You tell react how UI should look like and React create UI for you. I mean you write your code and react will take care to create Javascript and DOM to get the expected result. 
  • React effectively updating and rendering of the component. 
  • DOM updates are handles gracefully in react.
  • Seamlessly integrated react into any of your applications. It can be a Portion of a page or a complete page or even the entire application itself, react will fit.
  • It is providing backward compatibility.
  • React is inexpensive.
  • Performance and speed enhancement.
  • Reduce development time using thousand of in-build free code.
  • Easy to learn and use
  • It has a huge community.
  • It has testing and debugging friendliness.
  • Lack of Documentation.
  • It covers only UI hence we need to use other languages to make a full application.
  • The high pace of development makes developer life difficult.
 Thanks for reading this article. I hope you enjoyed this article and find it useful.