Super Mario Platform Runner Using Gdevelop Engine


This article demonstrates the Super Mario platformer Game Build Android Platform “Gdevelop” Software, and is open source. Games exported with GDevelop are based on the native and HTML5 platforms. GDevelop is an open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. It is extensible, fast, and easy to learn.
“Gdevelop” Software Environment version 4.0 (Free).
First of all,we need to open the “Gdeveop” IDE.
Step 1
For creating a new game->Choose the Android platform and then click on Empty project.
The following article represents the Gdevelop IDE and provides the procedure for Super Mario Platformer apk creation.
First of all we need to choose our platform for game development. For that we need to choose the platform such as Android, the present article explains about the platformer creation and the output is based on html 5.
If the game development is based on html 5 then, HTML5->create this platform-> android games.
After selecting->new project, a dialog box window will appear and select->html5->Platformer project and click->create the new project.
Step 2
After creating a new project , a new scene window stage will appear and scene and event conditions will be seen in the new scene stage as shown below.The scene conditon represents the insertion of object, and event condition represents the performance action of the object.
Step 3
The scene object editor represents the insertion of the objects, and it allows the required number of object insertions according to the user's request and the inserted object can be edited according to the need of the user.
Step 4
The insertion of the Platformer object can be done by adding the image from our own PC with the desired image, for that right click-> on the scene editor and select->insert a new object.
Step 5 - Edit the Player object
From the right side of the window after creating a new project, right click on ->object editor and select->Add an obejct.
For performing an action of the object we need to right click->on the object->add a behavior to the object,
Object Animation Edit
We need to add the runner animation to Object editor, when the character is runner on a platform. Add another animation like before. When adding images you can select all the images or one by one, per  your wish. Finally rename of the animation to runner object editor.

Insert Constant object

Double click on the Scene Conditions. A dialog box will appear. Now, we need to add the following object to the scene, so that it will lead to the creation of all game objects.
  1. Platform
  2. Jumpthru
  3. TileGrassPlatform
  4. TiledCastlePlatform
  5. Moving Platform
  6. GoLeft
  7. GoRight
  8. Ok,Done.
Step 6 - Insert Slimewalk object
For adding the Sprite object, double click->in layout sheet and insert a new object dialog box and now we can select the SlimeWalk object.
By right clicking on->Enemy Object-> a window dialog box will appear and click->add force from the left hand side of the window and select->Edit the slimewalk Object.
Step 7 - Insert fly object
Again, for adding the Sprite object, double click on the Layout sheet. A new object dialog box will appear now. Here, we can select the Fly enemy object. Name it as enemy Player.
Now, we are able to see the fly enemy object and the player enemy object diagram in the given event sheet.
Insert child behavior object,
  1. Cloud
  2. Background object.
Step 8
In the Object editor window (in right), we need to change the following conditions' Score Values,
Click "Behaviors" in the right hand side and insert a new Text behavior dialog box. Then, add text object. And, we can change the Font size.
Step 8 - Insert child behaviour object
Double click on the Scene Conditions. A dialog box will appear. Now, we need to add the following object to the Scene, so that it will lead to the creation of all game objects,
  1. Coin
  2. Left Button
  3. Right Button
  4. Jump Button
  5. Arrow Button 
Now, we can see below all the object in New scene window,
You can see the game scene conditions preview in the below template,

Event Conditions

The event editor is like the heart of the entire game development, since the scene editor represents just the insertion of object, whereas the event editor brings the life of the object action such as movements of the object.
Open the events ->click on the add event -> New Event.
At the beginning of the scene->Hide the objectHitBox,
Position of the Player,
  1. PlayerHitBox.X()-12;
  2. PlayerHitBox.Y().
  3. Ok,Done.

Events need the following conditions

At the beginning of the scene,
  1. Hide the object Goleft,
  2. Hide the object GoRight
  3. Add to MovingPlatform a force of -150 p/s on X axis and 0 p/s on Y axis. 
This is how the event sheet will look, after the above event is complete.
It's time to view the output that we have been waiting for, for viewing the output, select->scene in the options menu and click->preview for output


I hope this article will be useful for Space Mario and your games programming using Gdevelop, and in the upcoming articles I will explain about the usage of different concepts using Gdevelop IDE. Thanks for reading and have a nice day:)

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