The Power BI Release Plan Report Connection Instructions

This article explains how to connect to the data source and how to install the template app for the Power BI Release Plan report. You can modify the report as necessary after installing the template app and connecting to the data sources. Then, you may share it with your coworkers at your company as an app.

Step: Install the app

Open the Power BI Release Plan app link.

Select GET IT NOW once you've opened the app's AppSource page.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

Complete the blanks. Select Get it now.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

The process is time-consuming to finish.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

Choose Install when prompted.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

The process is ongoing

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

 You will be able to see that your new app is ready after the procedure is finished.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

When the app is installed, your Apps page will display it.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

Access data sources

To start the app, select the icon on your Apps page. The software launches and displays some example data.

On the banner at the top of the page, click the Connect your data link.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

There will be a parameters dialog. There are no prerequisites. choose Next.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

The dialog for the authentication method will show up. As a pre-populated anonymous authentication technique, recommended values are provided. Select Sign in then press Next.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions

The report will establish a connection to the data sources and be filled with current information. You will view sample data while this refresh is taking place.

The Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions


In this article, we learned how to do the Power BI Release Plan report connection instructions, in our next article we will learn how to Schedule report refresh.

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