Bind Data From DB To Kendo Listview In ClientSide Using Web-API (Orchard CMS)

In this blog, you will get the answers to the questions given below.

  • How do we bind the data to Kendo ListView?
  • How do we  write the Services in Web-API?
Step 1

Create Web-API in the name of TS_EF-API 

Create Entity Framework (select Respective table from db).

Step 2

Write Web-API repository to get all the companies.

Step 3

Write Controller in Service.

Step 4

Create MVC/Orchard CMS Project.

Create View in another project, include respective CSS and JS files of Kendo.

Step 5

Create JS file.


In this ListView, pagination filters and items per page options are enabled, which can be seen in JS file

Thank you. I hope it's helpful for you.
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