How to Create ItemTemplates Programatically in GridgroupingControl

Please refer the below steps involved to create ItemTemplates programatically:

  • In QueryCellStyleInfo event an instance for the TemplateClass of that particular item should be created and assigned it to the EditItemTemplate of that column.


protected void GridGroupingControl1_QueryCellStyleInfo(object sender, GridTableCellStyleInfoEventArgs e)


//Look for the RecordField and AlternateField Cell.

if (e.TableCellIdentity.TableCellType == GridTableCellType.RecordFieldCell || e.TableCellIdentity.TableCellType == GridTableCellType.AlternateRecordFieldCell)


//Look for the Column Name "Column2" in the GridGroupingControl when it get rendered

if (e.TableCellIdentity.Column.Name == "Column2")


harmandeep.Web.UI.WebControls.Shared.DropDownCalendarControl dropdown = new DropDownCalendarControl();

dropdown.ClientObjectId = "ddcal";


dropdown.Format = DateTimeFormatType.CustomString;

dropdown.Attributes.Add("onclick", "fun1(this);");


dropdown.AutoPostBack = true;

//Here we adding the DropDownListBox programatically using ITemplate Interface

TemplateClass mytemp = new TemplateClass(dropdown);

e.TableCellIdentity.Column.EditItemTemplate = mytemp;


