Finding Modified Items in SharePoint

Many a times it is required to find out how many and which items were modified after or before a certain date. It is difficult to get this information out of box. You need to look at all the site items individually and collate the report. The following PowerShell script helps in this scenario. This scenario may come up in migration cases or backup cases where you want to know when the update was last made to a particular site.

#Replace http://win-4f44sec6iug:34480/sites/cs  with your site

$site=Get-SPWeb-AssignmentCollection$ts-Identity http://win-4f44sec6iug:34480/sites/cs
#Loop till there are changes
while ($siteChanges.Count -gt0)

“count :"$siteChanges.Count
                #'06-04-2013' replace with your date

($change.Time -ge'06-04-2013')

“ID:"$change.Id + " Change Time: ”$change.Time


# for performance not all changes are given at one go. By default 1000 changes are returned


When you run this, you will get output like below:


Figure: Result of items modified for greater than certain date