Configuring Usage Data Logging using Powershell in SharePoint

Hello again,

I was configuring Usage a Data Logging settings using powershell. These settings we can configure from either Central Admin (Central Admin >> Monitoring >>Configure usage and health data collection) or from PowerShell.

So I choose my all time favorite Powershell. I have executed the following command.

    Set-SPUsageService -LoggingEnabled 1 -UsageLogLocation F:\SharePoint Logs -UsageLogMaxSpaceGB 2

Following are the options:
  • LoggingEnabled: Enables usage data logging.

  • UsageLogLocation: Path for Usage logs.

  • UsageLogMaxSpaceGB: Maximum amount of drive space used for storing the logs.

But, I am getting following exception:

    Set-SPUsageService : Cannot bind parameter 'Identity'. Cannot convert value "Lo
    gs1\" to type "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPUsageServicePipeBind". Error:
    "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx
    At line:1 char:19
    + Set-SPUsageService <<<< -LoggingEnabled 0 -UsageLogLocation F:\SharePoint Lo
    gs1\ -UsageLogMaxSpaceGB 2
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-SPUsageService], Param
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage,Microsoft.SharePo

When, I tried the same options from Central Admin, I could successfully set those settings. After doing some research I found that when we configure these settings through PowerShell it doesn’t take the space in logs location path. So I tried again without space in path, it executed successfully.

    Set-SPUsageService -LoggingEnabled 1 -UsageLogLocation F:\SharePointLogs -UsageLogMaxSpaceGB 2

Or if I specify the path in either quotation mark (‘’) or in double quotes (“”) then it works successfully as follows:

    Set-SPUsageService -LoggingEnabled 1 -UsageLogLocation ‘F:\SharePoint Logs’ -UsageLogMaxSpaceGB 2


    Set-SPUsageService -LoggingEnabled 1 -UsageLogLocation “F:\SharePoint Logs” -UsageLogMaxSpaceGB 2

Here, I just want to share the error which occurs since this error message is different than what should be it.

Happy Reading.