HTML Helper in MVC

HTML Helper in MVC 

HTML Helper supports in MVC in ASP.NET. It is an easy way to create control or HTML to help render HTML controls in an MVC application.
HTML Helper is one of the class and using System.Web.Mvc.Html Namespace. HTML Helper class is insight into the System.Web.Mvc.Html Namespace.
It supports many controllers like Textbox, Label, Dropdown list, Checkbox, Radio button, Text Area, Password and so on.
There is a different type of HTML helper.
  • Inline HTML Helper.
  • Built-in HTML Helper.
  • Standard Html Helper.
  • Strongly Typed Html Helper.
  • Template Html Helper.
  • Custom HTML Helper.
    Syntax for Html Helper
    1. @Html.TextBox(“txtFirstName”)    
    2. @ For Razor view engine.  
    Html It is a helper class.
    TextBox  Which controller needs.
    txtFirstName Id of controller name.