Set IDE for Universal Windows Platform

Set IDE for Universal Window Platform

The Universal Windows Platform(UWP) ,introduced with windows 10 is an application programming interface(API) to develop the Windows Applications.

How to set an IDE ?

In order to set an IDE (integrated development environment ) for UWP , steps are:

  1. Install/upgrade your operating system to Windows 10.

  2. Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.(community edition recommended).

  3. Register in your Visual Studio and enable the developer mode on.

How to activate Developer Mode ?

  1. Select “Settings” from the windows start menu.

  2. Select “Update & Security ” from the Settings window.

  3. Select “For Developer” displayed on left pane on your screen,
  4. Select “Developer Mode” .

Congratulations , you have setup your IDE now …you can start developing.

What is Blend ?

Blend is user interface design tool to create graphical user interface(GUI) , you will have Blend for visual studio 2015 with Visual Studio 2015 , once you set up an IDE.