How to use composing deligate in Vb.NET

Here, In this articals we will see how to use compose Delegate in
Delegate is a person acting for another person.A delegate can be define as a type safe function encapsulate the memory address of a function in your code.whenever you create an event in the code you are using a delegate.A delegate declaration defines a class using the class system.Delegate as abase class Delegate methods are any functions (define in a class) whose signature matches the delegate  signature exactly.
the delegate instance holds the refrence to delegate methods.the instance is used to invoke the methods indirectly.the most important feature of a delegate is it can be used to hold refrence to amethod of any class.the only requirement is that its signature must match the signature of the method.

Imports System

Imports System.Collections.Generic

Imports System.Linq

Imports System.Text

Delegate Function MyDeligate(ByVal s As String) As Object

Module Module1

    Class MyTeam

        Public Shared Function Hello(ByVal s As String) As Object

            Return s

        End Function

        Public Shared Function Goodbye(ByVal s As String) As Object

            Return s

        End Function

        Sub main()

            Dim myDeligate1 As New MyDeligate(MyTeam.Hello)

            Dim myDeligate2  As New MyDeligate(MyTeam.Goodbye)


        End Sub
  End Class

Output of program:
