vasu madhala
how to handle exception handling in stored procedure
By vasu madhala in ASP.NET on Nov 04 2007
  • Venkatesh Kumar 0
    Mar, 2008 6

    In SQL Server 2005 we can use the TRY ---END TRY as well as CATCH---END CATCH. Its always better to use this inside the Database objects like Stored Procedures or Cursors.

    By Jolly kid

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  • Brad Wood
    Dec, 2007 22

    It depends. If you're running 2005 or better, you could be writing your stored procedure in a native .Net language. In that case your error handling would be the exception handling mechanism of that language. If your stored proc is in T-SQL, the method would be to check the "@@ERROR global/function after any line that may cause an error: if @@ERROR = 0 begin commit; -- OK to proceed end else begin rollback; -- or whatever end

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