A quick look at Git support in Visual Studio 2012

I've been using GitHub for Windows app a lot since it was released. Some people will make fun of you if you don't use the command line in git; and it's true that the old git windows tools weren't very useful. I've found that the GitHub for Windows client works pretty well for a lot of day to day work, and I can quickly pop open a shell window when I need it (e.g. removing files, merging, git depuloy to Azure). If nothing else, GitHub for Windows takes the annoyance thinking about SSH keys out of the picture.

I wasn't sure I'd like GitHub support in Visual Studio, though. It's nice to see file status, history, merges, etc., but I didn't want it locking my files or messing with my project files or... well, changing anything at all. I think of code as files, not a bunch of stuff living in Visual Studio, and I want to manage it.

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