The Expert C# 5.0: With the .NET Framework 4.5 - is a good book for reference

By John Brad Feb 06 2013
The Expert C# 5.0: With the .NET Framework 4.5 - a C# reference book
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The Expert C# 5.0: with the.NET Framework is new C# book published on the 17th December 2012 which contains 15 chapters as shows below,

  1. Reintroducing C# - A detailed look at the language we all know
  2. C# objects in Memory
  3. Parameters
  4. Methods
  5. Automatic property declarations
  6. Enum
  7. Delegates
  8. Event
  9. ForEach and Iterator
  10. The String data type
  11. Collections explained
  12. LINQ in C#
  13. Exception Management
  14. Async 
  15. Debugging

This book provides some incredible insight into how .NET works behind the scene. The way this book presented and explained about,

  • Foreach and Iterator
  • Collections
  • Linq
  • Asynchrony and many more are simply fantastic.

Especially, I like the way the CLR JITTing process being explained for the C#, parameter passing in detail, behind the scene of the Iterator block specially the C# compiler generated state machine, in depth discussion about the new C# 5.0’s async-await feature. This book also covers in depth about .NET collections and Linq which is being explained really interesting and presented with some nice graphics.

The code examples used throughout this book console based, simple and easy to understand. Most importantly does not scattered through pages much which is easy to read.

However beside all of these, the Expert C# 5.0 book described some interesting debugging technique which will help to dig underneath of the .NET Framework.

This good book will help to understand the underneath of the C# language and can be used as reference book for the C#.