Media Queries in CSS

This article explains media queries, one of the best modules, or we can say applications, of CSS3.

Overview of Media Queries

CSS2.1 has fewer built-in modules for providing extra functionalities to the media, graphics, or animation in our web page or applications but in the case of CSS3, there are a series of built-in modules that can be directly used for providing functionalities to media or creating dynamic views in our design work.

Description of Media Queries

Media queries are one of those modules of CSS3 modules. Media queries provide several beneficial methodologies regarding design, some of these are as follows:

  • Target specific designing
  • Responsive web design
  • Providing dynamic looks
  • Better graphic options
  • Animation
  • Compatible with almost every browser

Performance of Media Queries

Media queries allow us to target specific CSS styles and designs and provide better graphics depending on the two pillars:

  • Display Capabilities
  • Browser Compatibility

Example of Media Queries

With just a few lines of CSS, we can change the way content displays based on several factors, some major factors are

Content display

Advantages of Media Queries

Several other factors that can be included are

  • Resolution
  • Device-Height
  • Device- Width
  • Monochrome
  • Grid
  • Scan
  • Color-Index and so on.

Why do we use media queries?

  • You can use media query functionality in the current scenario freely because it works with almost every operating system, platform, and web browser.
  • It is easy to implement and perform.
  • It crosses the browser's responsive challenges
  • Scalability in designing
    Meets responsive challenges

Responsive Web Design of Media Queries

HTML4 and CSS2 are sufficient to provide some of the media functionalities, then the question arises

Then why we are switching towards the media query module through CSS3?

HtML4 and CSS2 support media-dependent style sheets implemented for styling purposes depending on the device capabilities. But a media query contains a media type and zero or more expressions that check for the conditions of specific media features. Among the media features that can be directly used in media queries are:

  • Width
  • Height
  • Color

By using media queries, the presentation can be more detailed and well-specified that can produce a better output result. (In the next article about media queries I'll show how media queries work and detailed design through CSS3.)