Install MySQL In Azure Virtual Machine

This article will help you understand how you can install and set up MySQL in a virtual machine in Azure. Basically Azure virtual machine is a computer which you can configure according to your needs. It allows load balance traffic, so if you host your website or anything in the virtual machines, it will be fast enough. We can set up the virtual machines from your azure portal. If you are new to azure virtual machine, I strongly recommend you to read here: Create Virtual Machine In Azure. It will be great if you have any existing MSDN subscription with you before you go with this. Now we will discuss more about installing MySQL in a virtual machine in Azure. I hope you will like this.

If you are new to azure, I recommend you to read here: Azure.


There are so many reasons why you should go with a virtual machine. I will share with you what exactly my need was. I was using a cleardb for my wordpress website. I was having 20 MB as the database size limit. For me that was not sufficient, and after my db crosses the limit, I was not able to login to my wordpress dashboard. I was getting some database errors when I try to login to admin. So I decided to create a virtual machine and installed MySQL there. This article helps you to install MySQL in virtual machine.

Please read this article in my blog here

Steps to Install MySQL in Azure Virtual Machine

Login to your azure portal.

Login to your Azure Virtual Machine.

Go to Start and click on the Internet Explorer.

Before going to download and install MySQL, you need to set some settings in Internet Explorer.

What we are going to do is, adding MySQL site name to trusted site in IE.


Please follows the steps as in the following screenshots:


Now add http://* to the trusted site.


Now type in the URL area, and click enter.


Do not need to mind the warnings you get, so please close those.


Now you can see the MySQL installer home page as in the following screenshot:


Leave the warning and close it.


No, you will be asking to sign up, if you want you can do that, or else you can just skip it.


Now an executable file will be downloaded, you can either directly run it from the browser or just double click on that file.


I hope your installation started now.


Once it is done, please read the license agreement and click next.


As I do not need any development stuff and I am not going to do any development there, so I just selected server only. You can select as per your needs.


In the Type and Networking section, please make sure that you have enabled ‘Show Advanced Options’ as in the following screenshot:


Click next and give your MySQL Root Password in the next window. Please make sure that you have given a complex password.


Click Add User.


Type the asked details.


You can set all hosts if you want to access it from everywhere, or you can select local host. Choose wisely as per your need.


I hope you have added a user, now please click next.


Now you will be in Windows Service section. Please make sure that ‘Start MySQL Server at System Startup’ is enabled. And do not change any other settings.


Now you will be shown advanced option which is nothing but the settings for error log information. Do not need to change anything there. Just click Next >.


Please click on Execute to apply the server configuration.


Click the Finish button, once the server configuration is applied successfully.


Now if possible, you can copy the log to clipboard, or you can click Finish.


It seems we have done everything, Now we will check whether MySQL has been installed or not.? Please go to the start menu and type MySQL.


Wow, that’s great we did it.


Did I miss anything that you may think which is needed?. Have you ever tried virtual machine in azure?. If not, I strongly recommend that. Did you ever installed MySQL in your system? I hope you liked this article. Please share me your valuable suggestions and feedback.

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