Create Custom User Profile Property In SharePoint Online

SharePoint provides lot of customization to the users, one of the option is to maintain the custom properties in user profile. If we create the properties in user profile it will be the personalized values for the users. Let's see how to create the custom properties in user profile:

Steps to create custom user profile property

The following are the steps to create custom property.

Step 1: Go to SharePoint online admin center.

site collection

Step 2: Click on “User Profiles” from the left navigation.

click on the User Profiles

Step 3: On user profile settings page, select Manage User Properties as in the following screnshot:

manage User Properties

Step 4: Click “New Property” to create new property,

New Property

Step 5: On the new property page, you can add the property details as in the following screenshot:

user profile

Step 6: map the property to term set also, but you need to check the “configure Term set to be used for this property”,

From the dropdown, you can choose the term set.

choose the term set

Step 7: Provide all mandatory fields and settings as you need them. After that click OK to create a property,

click ok to create a property

Finally User profile property will be created successfully.


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