Building the Address control: Part III

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this article (Part 1; Part 2; Part 3) we have defined our task, have prepared a basis for creation and testing the Address control and have built the control. In this short part we are going to test  the control with the help of the UC_Test project.


Inside of the UC_Test project from "My Users Controls" tab drag and drop on the Form1[Design]  the Address control named " address1" and from "Windows Forms" tab drag and drop a button named "buttonTestProperties" (don't forget to add references to "Address" dll and "GetData" dll !). Set the buttonTestProperties text property  to "Properties Test". Add to the Form1.cs the follow code :


private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


          GetData.GetDataHelp DT_Cities = new GetData.GetDataHelp();

          address1.C_Value_Member ="SYMBOL_CITY";

          address1.C_Display_Member = "CITY";

          address1.C_DataTableCities = DT_Cities.getDataSetCities(1000).Tables[0] ;

//                          address1.C_TextBox_Multiline = false;



private void buttonTestProperties_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


          string sHelp =

                   "PROPERTIES : " + "\n\n\n" +

                   "C_Address = " + address1.C_Address + ";\n" +

                   "C_APARTMENT = " + address1.C_APARTMENT + ";\n" +

                   "C_BUILDING = " + address1.C_BUILDING + ";\n" +

                   "C_CITY = " + address1.C_CITY + ";\n" +

                   "C_ENTRANCE = " + address1.C_ENTRANCE + ";\n" +

                   "C_STREET = " + address1.C_STREET + ";\n" +

                   "C_SYMBOL_CITY = " + address1.C_SYMBOL_CITY + ";\n" +

                   "C_ZIP = " + address1.C_ZIP ;

          MessageBox.Show(sHelp,"Test Project"); 



Run the project  and be convinced that  all our tasks (see fig 1 and fig 2; Part 1) are carried out. Test "find" process: enter any city symbol or city name  and see result (fig. 10, fig. 11 ):


Figure 10.


Figure 11.


Now click "OK" button and get a new address string  (fig. 12) :


Figure 12.


In order to test properties of the control (which can be  inserted into some table , passed to some form, etc ) just click "Properties Test " button (fig. 13):


Figure 13.




I hope that this article (with the detailed description of the code and  designing of  the solution of three projects ) will   help you  to recreate the Address control or create your own control with your own requests.


Good luck in programming !

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