Show Alert And Focus On Textbox If Empty Using Knockout


This article explains how to show an alert and set the focus on a TextBox if it is empty using Knockout.

We often need to create applications where we don't want our user to leave some important Textboxes empty, at that time we need to show an error or an alert message to the user to notify them to fill in the entries and we also need to focus on the TextBox that is empty.

You may have done this using JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax or something else, but these things provide very hacky code that is not easy to understand and may also make our application heavy. We can use Knockout to solve these problems and get a very simple way to get these things done.

In this article I provide a simple example of how this can be done using Knockoutjs.

Step 1

First of all you need to add an external Knockout js file into your application, you can either download it from the internet or download my application that is available at the start of this article in Zip Format and then can the file attached with this Zip file.

After downloading the file you need to call it in the head section of your application as in the following:

<head runat="server">


    <script src="knockout-2.3.0.js"></script>


Step 2

Now we can work on our application. First we will work on the ViewModel. To do that you need to add a Script tag under the Body Section and then add this code:

        <script type="text/javascript">

            function x() {

                this.getFocused = ko.observable();

                this.text = ko.observable();

                this.setFocus= function () {;

                    if (this.text().length == 0) {


                        alert("Provide Your Name");


                    else {





            ko.applyBindings(new x());


As always first I had created a function "x()."

In this function I declared two Observables named "getFocused" and "text". After that I declared another function named as "setFocus".

This function "setFocus" is the main function that will make our application work. In this function I check the length of text() that was Observable, if the function finds this length equal to zero then the TextBox will have the focus on it and also an alert message will be shown to the user about providing his name in the TextBox.

If the function finds the length greater than zero then the focus will not be applied to the TextBox.

In the end I applied binding to the function x().

Until now our work on the View Model is complete so now we can work on the View of our application.

Step 3

Write this code in the View part of your application:


<input data-bind="value: text, hasFocus: getFocused" />

<button data-bind="click: setFocus">Submit</button>


            <br />

            <label data-bind="text:text"></label>



Here I had taken a TextBox, a button and a Label. First I worked on the TextBox that is bound in this format:

data-bind="value: text, hasFocus: getFocused"

This TextBox is bound to the "text()" Observable so it will have the value that will be provided through the text() Observable, also it is bound to "getFocused()" by using hasFocus binding, this will help to get the focus on the TextBox on certain conditions that I had described in the previous step.

Next I worked on the Button whose click is bound to "setFocus()", that means that the setFocus() function will work on the click of this button.

After that I had taken a Label that is bound to the "text", so whenever the user provides his name in the TextBox then that name will be shown in this Label.

The complete code of my application is as follows:

<head runat="server">


    <script src="knockout-2.3.0.js"></script>



    <form id="form1" runat="server">


<input data-bind="value: text, hasFocus: getFocused" />

<button data-bind="click: setFocus">Submit</button>


            <br />

            <label data-bind="text:text"></label>



        <script type="text/javascript">

            function x() {

                this.getFocused = ko.observable();

                this.text = ko.observable();

                this.setFocus= function () {;

                    if (this.text().length == 0) {


                        alert("Provide Your Name");


                    else {





            ko.applyBindings(new x());





Now your application is ready to be debugged and you can see the output by running it.


On running the application you will get output like this:

textbox focus

But as I provide the name in the TextBox and click on button then that name is shown by the Label that was bound with the text().

binding label

Now I had removed the name and then clicked on the button, this time it will show an alertbox that will ask the user to provide a value in the TextBox.

focus and alert on textbox

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