Creating A Standalone Automation Account In Azure Portal


In this article, I am going to show how to create an Automation account on the Azure portal.


An Azure account.

Overview Of An Azure Automation
Microsoft Azure Automation provides a way for users to automate the manual, long-running, error-prone, and frequently repeated tasks that are commonly performed in a cloud and enterprise environment tasks around those services. In Microsoft Azure cloud, that platform is called Azure Automation. This feature gives administrators the ability to create an Azure runbook to manage cloud resources more easily. Azure Automation is a native Microsoft tool to run Windows PowerShell Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

Follow these steps to create an Azure Automation account.

Step 1

Sign into the Azure portal using your email id and password.

Step 2

Press "+New" and then, search for Automation and select it.


Step 3

It opens the Automation details. Accept the terms and conditions and click "Create" to create the Automation Account.

Step 4

In the "Add Automation Account" blade,
  • Enter the name of our Account, choose the desired subscription to be used in your Azure account. 
  • Then, create a new resource group using a unique name for the Resource Group.
  • Choose your location to execute the automation services.
  • Then, choose "Yes" to enable the Azure "Run As Account".
  • Finally, press "Create" button to create the Automation account.


Step 5

The deployment succeeded with the new Azure Run account and the classic account of the standalone account. Then, our resource group is also created on the Azure portal that shows in the Notification Area.

Step 6

After deployment, open the Automation account to preview the account. Now, we are going to create various Runbooks in our Automation Account.



I hope you understood how to create an Azure Automation account. In my next article, I am going to show how to add, test, and publish a Runbook in the Azure Portal.