Pass Data From One Page To Another Using Factory Or Service in AngularJS


In AngularJS, Services are reusable singleton objects that are used to organize and share code across your app.

They can be injected into the controllers, filters, or directives.

Step 1

Create an empty ASP.Net project and in this project, create two folder pages (in this we kept all HTML pages) and Scripts (in this we kept all JS Pages).

We add three HTML Pages,
  • Index.html - In this, all child pages are included.
  • Show.html - In this page, data shows from the controller.
  • Edit.html - After clicking on the edit button in Show.html, data transfers from this page to Edit.html with the help of a Factory.

We add three Js files,

  1. Angular.js - To access angular functionality.
  2. Angular-ui-router - For UI routing.
  3. myApp.js - In this, we kept all our js code.

Step 2

Create module in myApp.js file.

Step 3

Create Routing.

Step 4

Create a Factory to store the data at the time of  redirecting to other page

Step 5

Now, in Index.html, add all related js files and Inject myApp.

We are using <div ui-view></div>

In this portion, all the child pages are entered.

Step 6

Create myCtrl controller for index page and from this controller, we redirect page to Show.html

Step 7

In Show.html page, it shows data with the help of ShowCtrl controller, as shown below:

We are using ng-click=Edit (data) with this we are calling a function into showCtrl controller.

Step 8

Create showCtrl Controller and in this, we set dummy data to Students Scope, as shown below:

We can see in this controller that we are injecting myFactory and in edit function, we are assigning data to this Service.

We also injecting $location Service with the help of this, when we click the edit button i.e routing redirect to EditData routing and Edit.html page.

Step 9

Now, create Edit.html in this and for this page, we are creating EditCtrl controller. In this controller, we are receiving data from my factory.

Step 10

Now, set Index.html as a start page and run the Application. We will get output, as shown below:

Step 11

When we click the edit button, the data shown in Edit.html page will look as shown below:

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