What Is New In .NET Core 2.1

.NET Core 2.1 is the next release of .NET Core that is expected to be released in few months from now. However, several new features and enhancements are already on GitHub. There are more than half a million developers are now using .NET Core 2.0.

Here are some of the core features expected to be released in this version, according to Scott Hunter, program manager of .NET Core.

  • [CLI] Build-time performance improvements.
  • [CLI] Global tools; replaces .NET CLI Tools (DotNetCliToolReference).
  • [CoreCLR] Minor-version roll-forward.
  • [CoreCLR] No-copy array slicing with Span<T>.
  • [CoreFX] HttpClient performance improvements.
  • [CoreFX] Windows Compatibility Pack.
  • [ASP.NET] SignalR is available for .NET Core.
  • [ASP.NET] HTTPS is on by default for ASP.NET.
  • [EF] Basic lazy loading support.
  • [EF] Support for Azure Cosmos DB.
Watch Scott Hunter talks about .NET Core 2.1 features and more.

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