Adding a Setup Project in Visual Studio-2010

  1. Add a setup project in your project solution by
    Right Click on Solution -> Add -> New project
  2. Add New Project window opens. Select Setup Project by
    Other Project Types -> Setup and Deployment -> Visual Studio Installer
  3. Give some name to your setup project and click OK
  4. Setup Project gets added into your project solution.
  5. Right click on your setup project
  6. Go to Add option and then Project Output
  7. Select Primary Output of in the list box and select your application in the top combo box. Now click OK.
  8. Again right click on your setup project and Go to View option and then Custom Actions
  9. Now Custom Actions window gets opened. Right click the Custom Actions and then Add Custom Action…
  10. A window opens, now you have to double click Application Folder option. Doing this, you get to see Primary output from “Your Project”. Select that option and click OK
  11. You would see that primary output of your project gets added in Install, Commit, Rollback and Uninstall option.
  12. Make sure that your setup project is got added into your project solution.
  13. Right click the project solution and open the property, go to the Configuration and select the Build option
    Build the whole project.
  14. Now you can install your application by right click the Setup project and choose Install option.
  15. Your app gets installed successfully! You can reach its exe in the default path in your setup. (Generally default path is like…C:\Program Files\YourCompanyName\).