Build Your Own 3D Holographic Studio

I just purchased Microsoft’s HoloLens and I must admit, this is one of the coolest mixed-reality gadgets out there. Not only, you can play 3D VR/AR/Mixed reality games but it can also do holograms. Microsoft is working on a cool futuristic project called Teleportation that will let people teleport in form of holograms. You may want to learn more about HoloLens and Holographic Computing here on C# Corner.

But one of the basic need to build record 3D objects, you must need a 3D capturing device like camera Facebook recently launched and a setup in the room. Building a room with real 3D capturing capability can be a costly affair.

But looks like there is a work around. Innovator developers like Ronald Smeenk who’re figuring it out. In the article, Build your own studio with RoomAlive Toolkit, Donald shows how to the RoomAlive Toolkit to calibrate two Kinects. The resulting calibration is used for rendering a live 3D scene. The source code for this application is available on GitHub.

What do you need to build your own Holographic studio?

  • A room with space
  • 2 Kinect devices
  • Projectors
  • 2 PCs with high processing power and graphics card (recommended)
  • RoomAlive Toolkit
  • SharpDX Toolkit
  • Server

I am going to give this a try and share my experience. It might take a while.

You may read more here:

Build your own studio with RoomAlive Toolkit

Also check out

HoloLens and Holographic Computing here on C# Corner.

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