ClearTypeHint Usage in WPF

ClearTypeHint Usage

There are a couple things to keep in mind when using ClearTypeHint. 

  1. Set ClearTypeHint below the intermediate texture in the visual tree. If an OpacityMask is put on a TextBlock, setting ClearTypeHint on the TextBlock will not work because of the order of operations.
  2. Ensure the text is being drawn into something opaque directly. That means that the opaque background also needs to be set below the intermediate in the tree.

There are lots of standard WPF 3.X controls which have ClearType rendering disabled due to an intermediate render texture. The default templates for these controls have been modified to use ClearTypeHint. If you use a modified version of WPF 3.X templates, you will have to update them to enable ClearType text rendering in these controls.

  • ComboBox popup window
  • DatePicker popup window
  • MenuItem popup window
  • ToolTip popup window
  • ToolBarOverflow popup window