Hide 'Join This Community' Button From Community Sites

Whenever you create a Community site, SharePoint expects you to join the Community site explicitly, even when you have the required access on that Community site. When you click on ‘Join this community’ button (present on default welcome page of Community site), your account gets added to ‘Community Members’ list. In other words, if your account is present in ‘Community Members’ list, then ‘Join this community’ button is not shown on the default welcome page of the Community site.

Community Members’ list can be accessed by clicking on ‘Assign badges to members’ option, as shown in the above screenshot. This button is shown through the  ‘Join’ web part (Type Name: CommunityJoinWebPart) present in the community site.

As this button is shown even when the users are having the required access, you might decide to hide / remove this web part from the welcome page. This button is still visible after hiding the web part from the welcome page. Due to such behavior of visibility of this button, the users of the Community site might get confused on why this button is shown. To avoid this confusion, you can hide this button from the welcome page by performing the following action.

Note: The following steps should be performed on the site which has unique permissions. Apparently, if the Community site has unique permissions, then these steps are applicable to the community site. If the community site inherits permissions from its parent site, then these steps are applicable to the parent site which has unique permissions.

  • Go to Site settings >> Site permissions.
  • Click on Access Request Settings option from the top ribbon.

  • One popup window will appear. Just unmark the Allow access requests checkbox and click on OK button.

 Now, check the welcome page of the Community site. You will not see ‘Join this community’ button.