How To Use Pointer In C# Language


C# .net does not allow to pointer in safe mode. If you are use pointer in c# program , then you are declare an entire method as unsafe. steps of   compiling unsafe code-

- Go to solution explorer and double click to property.

-select build tab.

-select allow unsafe code and then compile your program.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace use_pointer_in_c_sharp


    class Program


        public static void Main()


            unsafe              //declare unsafe mode


                int number = 10;

                int* Pointer = &number;   // create pointer & value of pointer is address of number

                Console.WriteLine("Number  is       : {0} ", number);

                Console.WriteLine("Memory Address is: {0} ", (int)Pointer);//show address of number






