Link the existing meeting workspace to the calendar event in SharePoint 2010 using powershell


## Link the meeting workspace to the Calendar event

=Get-SPSite $siteURL
($list -ne $null)
## Add an event to the Calendar list
$item = $list.Items.Add()
$item["Title"] = "New Event"
$item["Description"] = "New Event created using SharePoint Object Model"
$item["Location"] = "First Floor"
$item["Start Time"] = [System.DateTime]::Now
$item["End Time"] = [System.DateTime]::Now.AddDays(4);
$item["Category"] = "Business";
$item["fAllDayEvent"] = $false;
## Update the $item
write-host -ForegroundColor Green $item["Title"] " event is added successfully to the Calendar"
## Get the existing meeting workspace
$mwsWeb=$site.OpenWeb("Basic Meeting Workspace")
## Get the Calendar list Id
$listId = $list.ID.ToString()
## Get the event Id to which the meeting workspace has to be linked
$itemId = $item.ID;
## Gets an SPMeeting object that has meeting information for the specified Web site
$meetingInfo = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Meetings.SPMeeting]::GetMeetingInformation($mwsWeb);
## Link the meeting workspace website with the newly created event
$meetingURL=$meetingInfo.LinkWithEvent($web, $listId, $itemId, "WorkspaceLink", "Workspace")
## Dispose the SPWeb object
write-host -ForegroundColor Green $item["Title"]" event is linked to the workspace " $meetingURL.ToString()


write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "List does not exists"


