Value and Reference type in C#

This blog shows on how to use Value and Reference type

// Reference type (because of 'class')
class SomeRef { public Int32 x; }
// Value type (because of 'struct')
struct SomeVal { public Int32 x; }

static void ValueTypeDemo()
SomeRef r1 = new SomeRef(); // Allocated in heap
SomeVal v1 = new SomeVal(); // Allocated on stack

r1.x = 5; // Pointer dereference
v1.x = 5; // Changed on stack
Console.WriteLine(r1.x); // Displays "5"
Console.WriteLine(v1.x); // Also displays "5"

SomeRef r2 = r1; // Copies reference (pointer) only
SomeVal v2 = v1; // Allocate on stack & copies members

r1.x = 8; // Changes r1.x and r2.x
v1.x = 9; // Changes v1.x, not v2.x
Console.WriteLine(r1.x); // Displays "8"
Console.WriteLine(r2.x); // Displays "8"
Console.WriteLine(v1.x); // Displays "9"
Console.WriteLine(v2.x); // Displays "5"
