Bind Mixed Json to Table in AngularJS

Here you find Full code: 
  1. <!DOCTYPE html>  
  2. <html xmlns="">  
  4.     <head>  
  5.         <title></title>  
  6.         <script src="Scripts/angular.min.js"></script>  
  7.         <script>  
  8.         var app = angular.module("myApp", []);  
  9.         app.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope)  
  10.         {  
  11.             $scope.alldata = [  
  12.             {  
  13.                 "_id"1,  
  14.                 "name":  
  15.                 {  
  16.                     "first""John",  
  17.                     "last""Backus"  
  18.                 },  
  19.                 "contribs": ["Fortran""ALGOL""Backus-Naur Form""FP"],  
  20.                 "awards": [  
  21.                 {  
  22.                     "award""W.W. McDowell Award",  
  23.                     "year"1967,  
  24.                     "by""IEEE Computer Society"  
  25.                 },  
  26.                 {  
  27.                     "award""Draper Prize",  
  28.                     "year"1993,  
  29.                     "by""National Academy of Engineering"  
  30.                 }]  
  31.             }];  
  32.         });  
  33.         </script>  
  34.     </head>  
  36.     <body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl">  
  37.         <table>  
  38.             <tbody ng-repeat="dat in alldata">  
  39.                 <tr>  
  40.                     <td colspan="3">{{}} {{}}</td>  
  41.                 </tr>  
  42.                 <tr>  
  43.                     <td colspan="3" align="center"><span style="font-weight:bold">Contribution</span></td>  
  44.                 </tr>  
  45.                 <tr ng-repeat="cont in dat.contribs">  
  46.                     <td colspan="3">{{ cont}}</td>  
  47.                 </tr>  
  48.                 <tr>  
  49.                     <td colspan="3" align="center"><span style="font-weight:bold">Awards</span></td>  
  50.                 </tr>  
  51.                 <tr ng-repeat="aw in dat.awards">  
  52.                     <td>{{ aw.award}}</td>  
  53.                     <td>{{ aw.year}}</td>  
  54.                     <td>{{}}</td>  
  55.                 </tr>  
  56.             </tbody>  
  57.         </table>  
  58.     </body>  
  60. </html>