How do I convert Excel file to PDF using Spire.XLS?

A couple of days back I have got a call and asked how to convert Excel files to PDF using Spire.XLS a .NET component. Hereunder, I am just going to explain the same suing simple code snippet [here we are creating a simple xls file first]:
Create a file:
  1. public void CreateSampleExcel()  
  2.         {  
  3.             workSheet = workBook.Worksheets[0];  
  4.             workSheet.Range["A1"].Text = "This is a sample Excel dcouemnt and created by Spire.XLS for .NET";  
  5.             workBook.SaveToFile(_xlsFilePath + _xlsFileName);  
  6.         }  
In above first we defined a path and initialize the object:
  1. private string _xlsFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Sample/XLSFiles/");  
  1. public SpireExcel(string xlsFileName)  
  2.        {  
  3.            _xlsFileName = xlsFileName;  
  4.            workBook = new Workbook();  
  5.        }  
There is no need for special settings or implementation just  use inbuild functions to convert the file:
  1. workBook.SaveToFile(_xlsFilePath + "mySpirePDFFile.pdf");  
And simply invoke this method:
  1. SpireExcel spireExcel = new SpireExcel();  
  2. spireExcel.ConvertToPDF(); //Convert to pdf  
A complete source code file is attached. Alternatively you can find complete application from here: