How to use Different App Bars in a single Pivot control Windows Phone App

In this code snippet , you will see how to use different app bar in windows phone 8/8.1 Silverlight App,suppose you need to show different ApplicationBar when User Swipes Pivot.So to do this.
Creat App bar's in XAML Page(Paste it From Below Code Snippet).
Important:Add/Remove Click Events and Image Paths As per Requirements).
Just select main Pivot>Goto>Properties>Events Handler(Top Right Corner Flah Symbol) >Look for SelectionChanged Event and Double-Click it.Paste the Code Below There
  1. private void Pivot_SelectionChanged_1(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)      
  2. {      
  3.     switch (((Pivot)sender).SelectedIndex)      
  4.     {      
  5.         case 0:      
  6.             ApplicationBar = this.Resources["AppBar1"as ApplicationBar;      
  7.             break;      
  9.         case 1:      
  10.             ApplicationBar = this.Resources["AppBar2"as ApplicationBar;      
  11.             break;      
  13.         case 2:      
  14.             ApplicationBar = this.Resources["AppBar3"as ApplicationBar;      
  15.             break;      
  16.     }      
  17. }   
  1. <phone:PhoneApplicationPage.Resources>    
  2. shell:ApplicationBar x:Key="AppBar1" IsVisible="True" IsMenuEnabled="True" BackgroundColor="#FF4DC12B" ForegroundColor="White">  
  3.     <shell:ApplicationBarIconButton  IconUri="/Assets/send.png" Text="Post" Click="Post_Click" />  
  4.     <shell:ApplicationBarIconButton  IconUri="/Assets/appbar.refresh.png" Text="Clear" Click="Clear_Click" />  
  5.     <shell:ApplicationBar.MenuItems>  
  6.         <shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem  Text="Give Feeback" Click="FeedBack_Click_1" />  
  7.         <shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem Text="About us" Click="AboustUs_Click" />  
  8.     </shell:ApplicationBar.MenuItems>  
  9. </shell:ApplicationBar>  
  10. <shell:ApplicationBar x:Key="AppBar2" IsVisible="True" IsMenuEnabled="True" BackgroundColor="#FF4DC12B" ForegroundColor="White">  
  11.     <shell:ApplicationBarIconButton  IconUri="/Assets/" Text="Search" Click="Search_Click" />  
  12.     <shell:ApplicationBar.MenuItems>  
  13.         <shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem  Text="Give Feeback" Click="FeedBack_Click_1" />  
  14.         <shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem Text="About us" Click="AboustUs_Click" />  
  15.     </shell:ApplicationBar.MenuItems>  
  16. </shell:ApplicationBar>  
  17. <shell:ApplicationBar x:Key="AppBar3" IsVisible="True" IsMenuEnabled="True" BackgroundColor="#FF4DC12B" ForegroundColor="White" Mode="Minimized">  
  18.     <shell:ApplicationBar.MenuItems>  
  19.         <shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem  Text="Give Feeback" Click="FeedBack_Click_1" />  
  20.         <shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem Text="About us" Click="AboustUs_Click" />  
  21.     </shell:ApplicationBar.MenuItems>  
  22. </shell:ApplicationBar>undefined</phone:PhoneApplicationPage.Resources>  
It's Done Comment Below For Any Doubts.
This Code Works for Only Windows 8/8.1(Silverlight App's Only).