Ranjithkumar Murugesan
Difference between an abstract method & virtual method
By Ranjithkumar Murugesan in ASP.NET on Apr 30 2008
  • Parvez Developer
    Jan, 2018 8

    abstract:- abstract method can not declare any body and variables in abstract class and abstract method implemented in child class by override keyword . virtual:- we can can declares any body and variables in virtual method it can be also implemented method in child class using override keyword.

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  • Parvez Developer
    Jan, 2018 8

    abstract:- abstract method can not declare any body and variables in abstract class and abstract method implemented in child class by override keyword . virtual:- we can can declares any body and variables in virtual method it can be also implemented method in child class using override keyword.

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  • Parvez Developer
    Jan, 2018 8

    abstract:- abstract method can not declare any body and variables in abstract class and abstract method implemented in child class by override keyword . virtual:- we can can declares any body and variables in virtual method it can be also implemented method in child class using override keyword.

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  • Parvez Developer
    Jan, 2018 8

    abstract:- abstract method can not declare any body and variables in abstract class and abstract method implemented in child class by override keyword . virtual:- we can can declares any body and variables in virtual method it can be also implemented method in child class using override keyword.

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  • Parvez Developer
    Jan, 2018 8


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  • Parvez Developer
    Jan, 2018 8


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  • Parvez Developer
    Jan, 2018 8


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  • Parvez Developer
    Jan, 2018 8


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  • Munesh Sharma
    May, 2014 2


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  • Umar Ali
    Sep, 2012 1

    Please refer to the following URL to know the differences between Abstract Method and Virtual Method,http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.in/2012/08/oops-difference-faqs-3.html

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  • Ranjithkumar Murugesan
    Apr, 2008 30

    Virtual method has an implementation & provide the derived class with the option of overriding it. Abstract method does not provide an implementation & forces the derived class to override the method.

    important Notes:

    (a)Any Class with abstract method or property in it must be declared abstract

    (b)Attempting to instantiate an object of an abstract class retults in a compilation error


    Shape m_MyShape = new Shape(); //it is Wrong to that.

    But we can do that.

    Shape m_MyShape = new Circle(); // True


    Shape m_MyShape;


    declare refrences only, and the refrences can refer to intances of

    any concrete classes derived from abstract class


    Circle m_MyCircle = new Circle();

    m_MyShape = m_MyCircle; // Also True

    (d)An abstract class can have instance data and non-abstract methods -including constructors-.

    Our Tutorial has 4 classes { Shape --> Point --> Cirlce --> Cylinder } Abstract Class Shape has 2 virtual methods Area() & Volume(), and one abstract property ShapeName

    Class Point only override the inherited property ShapeName as point do not have any area or volume Also it has to properties X & Y (pntA[X,Y]) for example

    Class Cirlce override method Area() & the property ShapeName and doen't override volume as it has no volume. Also Cirlce has some methods to provide its Diameter & Circumference which will be used by class Cylinder.

    Class Cylinder override all methods in Class Shape, and use the service methods in
    Class Circle (Diameter & Circumference) to calculate the Area() & Volume(). Check the roject and it is well commented.

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