Nipun Tomar
How to set the debug mode?
By Nipun Tomar in ASP.NET on Jul 13 2006
  • Nipun Tomar
    Jul, 2006 13

    Debug Mode for ASP.NET applications - To set ASP.NET appplication in debugging mode, edit the application’s web.config and assign the “debug” attribute in < compilation > section to “true” as show below:
    < configuration >
    < system.web >
    < compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="true" / >

    < / configuration >
    This case-sensitive attribute ‘debug tells ASP.NET to generate symbols for dynamically generated files and enables the
    debugger to attach to the ASP.NET application. ASP.NET will detect this change automatically, without the need to restart the server. Debug Mode for ASP.NET Webservices - Debugging an XML Web service created with ASP.NET is similar to the debugging an ASP.NET Web application.

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