Swati Agarwal
Why main function is static?
By Swati Agarwal in ASP.NET on Nov 21 2012
  • Mahesh Patel
    Nov, 2012 27

    static is the key word is indicate in .net that, it can not be changed. while main is key word to indicate the main portion of application from where application is started. so the main entry point of application is fixed can not be changed as definition. but we can change its implements. so this is static.

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  • Hussain Patel
    Jun, 2015 17

    Static is modifier used in C# : 1) When applied to a class - the class cannot be instantiated - i.e you cannot use the new keyword to create object (instance) of the class and you can directly accesses the members of the class. 2) A static class has static member and a private constructor ( and so we cannot create object of this class. 3) if you try to create object of a static class you would get a compile time Error. 4) When applied to a method - this method is always accessible by the class name.

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  • Hussain Patel
    Jun, 2015 17

    Static is modifier used in C# : 1) When applied to a class - the class cannot be instantiated - i.e you cannot use the new keyword to create object (instance) of the class and you can directly accesses the members of the class. 2) A static class has static member and a private constructor ( and so we cannot create object of this class. 3) if you try to create object of a static class you would get a compile time Error. 4) When applied to a method - this method is always accessible by the class name.

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  • Rahul Prajapat
    May, 2015 27

    static function do no require object to execute all the objects of classes are creating inside the main function

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  • Rahul Prajapat
    May, 2015 27

    static function do no require object to execute all the objects of classes are creating inside the main function

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  • Rahul Prajapat
    May, 2015 27

    static function do no require object to execute all the objects of classes are creating inside the main function

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  • Atul Rawat
    Dec, 2014 31

    static function do no require object to execute all the objects of classes are creating inside the main function

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  • Joginder Banger
    Nov, 2014 10

    Static give the memory compile time.

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  • amit
    Apr, 2014 11

    For calling (executing) Each and every function, we need object of their related class. the reason behind to make a main function static. it will free from object, means it will call automatically without object when program will run. for executing static function there is no need to object. it only accessed by its class name. so main function is defined static. because main function is the entry point of executing program.

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  • keerthi rakasi
    Feb, 2013 28

    static is used to preserve memory at compilation time.so,that main function will be stored in memory any will be executed.

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  • amir ansari
    Jan, 2013 5

    Every C# program of main is Entry Point of the execute the code.we know that static keyword is single copy in to memory.static keyword are without instanse.so it is use of static keyword in main function.

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  • vipul handa
    Dec, 2012 26

    The static keyword indicates that it is single copy in to memory As main is entry point to execute the code so is is static and it doest require any object calling

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  • shrikant mule
    Dec, 2012 25

    as main function is entry point in execution and static keyword need not require any object for calling main function, so program starts directly from 'static main' in class

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  • Krishna Garad
    Nov, 2012 27

    Main is the entry point for an application and to access the entry point from any where in an application that's why main is static.

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