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  • Explain Lambda Functions in .NET C#Apr 26, 2024. In the realm of .NET programming, lambda functions represent a powerful and concise way to define anonymous methods or functions. In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of lambda functions in .NET, understand their syntax and usage, and uncover their practical applications in real-world scenarios.
  • Difference Between ReadOnly and Constant in .NET C#Apr 26, 2024. In C#, `readonly` and `const` keywords declare values with key differences. `const` is compile-time, immutable, and static, while `readonly` is runtime, set in constructors, and can vary. Choose based on usage scenarios.
  • Caching Strategies in ASP .NET CoreApr 25, 2024. ASP.NET Core offers diverse caching strategies, including in-memory, distributed, response, output, and donut caching. Choose wisely based on data needs, scalability, and granularity for optimal performance.
  • Best Practices for Threading in .NET C#Apr 24, 2024. Threading is a powerful feature in .NET C# that allows developers to execute multiple tasks concurrently. In this article, we'll explore best practices for managed threading in .NET C#, covering topics such as thread safety, synchronization, and performance optimization.
  • Optimizing Security & Performance in .NET Core Apps for Heavy LoadsApr 24, 2024. Secure and optimize your .NET Core apps for heavy traffic with strategies like load balancing, caching, authentication, encryption, and monitoring. Implementing these ensures both security and performance under intense user loads."
  • Real-Time Data Transfer with WebSockets and SignalR in .NET CoreApr 22, 2024. In this article, we'll explore how to implement WebSocket functionality using SignalR in a .NET Core application to retrieve data from a concurrent dictionary and push it to clients in real time.
  • Exploring the ConcurrentQueue<T> Class in .NET C#Apr 22, 2024. In multi-threaded programming, thread safety and efficient data sharing are critical considerations to ensure smooth and reliable application execution. This article dives into the features, usage, and benefits of the ConcurrentQueue&lt;T&gt; class in .NET C#.
  • Extracting Values from PDFs in .NET Core 8 without ASP.NETApr 21, 2024. In this article, we&#39;ll explore how to extract values from PDF files within the .NET Core 8 ecosystem without relying on ASP.NET, using the PdfSharpCore library. We&#39;ll provide a step-by-step guide along with examples in C# to demonstrate how to accomplish this task effectively.
  • Concurrent Dictionary for String Comparison in .NET CoreApr 20, 2024. In .NET Core, the `ConcurrentDictionary&lt;TKey, TValue&gt;` class provides a thread-safe collection for storing key-value pairs, making it suitable for concurrent operations in multi-threaded environments. When it comes to comparing two strings concurrently, we can leverage ConcurrentDictionary along with appropriate methods to achieve efficient
  • Queue & Dequeue with Concurrent Dictionary in .NET CoreApr 20, 2024. In multi-threaded applications, efficient handling of concurrent data structures is crucial to ensure thread safety and performance. While .NET Core provides a variety of thread-safe collections, each with its own strengths and use cases, there are scenarios where we might need to implement queue and dequeue functionality.
  • Avoiding Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks in C# and .NET CoreApr 20, 2024. Web development&#39;s security is vital, with Cross-site scripting (XSS) as a persistent threat. In this C# and .NET Core guide, we explore XSS defenses with practical techniques and examples.
  • Easily Extract Values from PDF Without AI Only Using .NET Core 8Apr 20, 2024. In this post, we will be discussing extracting content from PDF file without using any AI algorithms.
  • What is Benchmarking & How to Take Benchmark in .NET C#?Apr 20, 2024. In the realm of .NET C# development, optimizing performance is paramount for ensuring that applications meet user expectations for speed and responsiveness.
  • Dependency Injection and Service Lifetimes in .NET CoreApr 19, 2024. Dependency Injection (DI) simplifies software development by promoting loosely coupled code, aligning with the Dependency Inversion Principle of SOLID. In this guide, we&#39;ll explore how to implement Dependency Injection and delve into the significance of different service lifetimes in .NET Core applications.
  • Keeping Your .NET Core API Safe and SoundApr 19, 2024. In today&#39;s digital landscape, where data is king and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) reign supreme, ensuring the security of your API in .NET Core is paramount. In this article, we delve into the various aspects of API security in .NET Core and explore best practices to bolster your defenses.
  • Email Scheduling with Hangfire in .NET Core Minimal APIsApr 19, 2024. In modern web applications, sending recurring emails is a common requirement for tasks such as notifications, reminders, or scheduled reports. Hangfire is a popular library in the .NET ecosystem that provides a simple way to perform background processing tasks, including sending emails, in .NET applications. With the introduction of .NET Core Minimal APIs, building lightweight and efficient web applications has become even easier. In
  • Intoduction of Interceptors in .NET 8 and C# 12: How to use it?Apr 18, 2024. Interceptors are an experimental feature, available in preview mode with C# 12. An interceptor is a method that allows you to substitute a call to an interceptable method, with a call to itself at compile time. In this article, I present how to create and use an interceptor.
  • Generate Dynamic Models in C# .NET 8 MVC from DatabaseApr 16, 2024. Creating a C# .NET 8 MVC Application To Generate Dynamic Models From A Database Table. This article demonstrates how to dynamically generate models in C# .NET MVC based on database table schemas, streamlining the model creation process for improved scalability and maintainability.
  • Experimental Attribute in .NET & C#Apr 15, 2024. The Experimental attribute is a new C# 12 feature that allows you to add the Experimental attribute to your types, methods, or assemblies to indicate that they are experimental features. When someone tries to use the method or the type, the compiler will issue an error.
  • Pagination in a .NET with EF CoreApr 15, 2024. Pagination allows you to retrieve a large number of records split into pages instead of returning all the results at once. In this article, I present how to implement OffSet and Keyset pagination in a .NET 8 Web API using Entity Framework Core.
  • What is Generics in .NET C# with exampleApr 15, 2024. Generics in C# represent a cornerstone of modern software development, offering a powerful mechanism for creating reusable and type-safe code. This comprehensive article explores the fundamentals of generics, delving into practical examples and best practices to harness their full potential.
  • New LINQ Methods in .NET 9 PreviewApr 14, 2024. While the release of .NET 9 is planned for November 2024, the preview version is already available. One of the new .NET 9 features is the new LINQ methods: CountBy, AggregateBy, and Index. In this article, I present how to use these methods.
  • Exploring Frozen Collections in .NET 8 With BenchmarkingApr 14, 2024. Frozen Collections is a new .NET 8 feature that can be used to create Dictionaries and Sets for faster read operations when you don’t need to make changes after the creation. In this article, I present how to work with these collections and demonstrate the performance difference when compared with other collections.
  • Health Checks in .NET Core with AspNetCore.HealthCheck.UI.ClientApr 13, 2024. Implementing health checks in .NET Core applications ensures reliability. Using AspNetCore.HealthChecks, monitor application health and dependencies, facilitating proactive issue identification for enhanced performance and user satisfaction.
  • What's new in .NET 9? .NET 9 Preview 3 Apr 12, 2024. We&#39;re excited to announce the release of .NET 9 Preview 3, packed with new features and improvements across .NET Libraries, Runtime, and SDK. This preview release brings enhancements aimed at boosting performance, improving developer productivity, and introducing new capabilities to the .NET ecosystem.
  • Feature Flags in .NET Core with AzureApr 12, 2024. Explore the seamless integration of feature flags in .NET Core applications with Azure&#39;s robust platform. Learn how to efficiently manage and deploy feature flags, enabling agile development, continuous integration, and controlled release management for enhanced software delivery.
  • What is Object Mapping in .NET and AutoMapper ?Apr 10, 2024. Object mapping plays a crucial role in modern software development, particularly in .NET applications where data transformation between different layers is a common requirement.
  • Sending Recurring Emails Using HangFire in .NET Core Minimal APIsApr 10, 2024. Learn how to automate recurring email tasks using Hangfire in .NET Core Minimal APIs. Hangfire offers multi-threaded, scalable task scheduling, perfect for batch email notifications, database maintenance, and more. Configure Hangfire, schedule recurring jobs, and integrate email sending functionality seamlessly.
  • HttpClient use Polly Retry Policies in .NET Core Apr 10, 2024. Polly, a robust .NET library, fortifies applications against faults with policies like Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, etc. Configure retries for transient errors with ease, enhancing application resilience.
  • Streamlining Data Transfer with DTOs in .NET Core - C#Apr 09, 2024. Streamline data transfer in .NET Core with Data Transfer Objects (DTOs). Simplify and optimize application layers for enhanced performance and scalability.
  • IHttpClientFactory in .NET CoreApr 05, 2024. In this article, we will learn IHttpClientFactory in .NET Core simplifies HTTP client management by providing a central mechanism for creating and managing HttpClient instances.
  • Explanation of HttpClient in .NET CoreApr 03, 2024. The HttpClient class simplifies making HTTP requests (like GET or POST) in your .NET Core applications. It handles connections, timeouts, and responses, letting you focus on the data you need.
  • The Experimental Attribute in .NET 8 and C# 12Apr 03, 2024. In this article, we will discuss Experimental Attributes in .NET 8 and C# 12. The ExperimentalAttribute in C# .NET 8 marks APIs as experimental, signaling potential changes. It&#39;s crucial for libraries or APIs to foster controlled innovation.
  • Explain Feature Flags in .NET CoreApr 03, 2024. In this article, we will discover how to implement feature flags in .NET Core to control feature releases dynamically. Learn the best practices for toggling features on/off, managing configurations, and conducting A/B tests.
  • Publishing .NET Applications with 'dotnet publish'Apr 01, 2024. Publishing .NET applications with dotnet publish is essential for deployment. This tool compiles code resolves dependencies, and creates a self-contained directory for easy distribution and execution, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Built In Rest Client in .NET CoreApr 01, 2024. .NET Core provides a built-in REST client through HttpClient in the System.Net.Http namespace. It offers lightweight, cross-platform capabilities for seamless integration with web services, enabling efficient HTTP requests and response handling in API communication within .NET Core applications.
  • Explain StackLayout in .NET MAUIMar 31, 2024. StackLayout in .NET MAUI provides flexible layout management for UI development, allowing easy arrangement of controls in a stack, either horizontally or vertically. Compatible with Xamarin.Forms, and streamlines cross-platform development, offering a familiar environment for building responsive user interfaces.
  • .NET Strategies for Seamless Integration of DecoratorsMar 30, 2024. This article explores the integration of decorators in .NET projects, emphasizing design patterns and best practices. It provides examples and strategies for extending functionality dynamically while ensuring code integrity and maintainability.
  • Configuration Settings in .NET CoreMar 29, 2024. Configuration settings are vital for .NET Core apps, enabling flexibility without code changes. Learn their anatomy, setup with JSON files, environment variables, and access methods for robust applications.
  • Options Pattern Named Options in .Net Core with examplesMar 29, 2024. Learn how to implement the options pattern and validation in .NET Core using named and default options. Explore techniques for binding configurations, fetching options in APIs, injecting services into named options, and utilizing interfaces like IOptionsSnapshot and IConfigureNamedOptions.
  • Options Pattern Validation in .NET Core with ExamplesMar 28, 2024. .NET offers built-in resources for validating settings to ensure correctness without manual checks. Techniques like data annotations and custom validations streamline the process, enhancing configuration reliability and maintenance.
  • Options Pattern in .NET Core with ExamplesMar 28, 2024. Options Pattern in .Net Core with examples
  • Managing .NET Solution Files with dotnet slnMar 27, 2024. The .NET Core SDK&#39;s dotnet sln tool simplifies managing large .NET projects. Learn its commands for adding, removing, listing projects, and advanced operations, streamlining solution file management for efficient development.
  • Optimizing Application Performance In-Memory Cache in .NET CoreMar 27, 2024. In this article we will see how we can improve the performance of the application using IMemory Cache in .NETcore application.
  • C# HTTP Methods: Safe vs. Unsafe, GET vs. POST in .NET CoreMar 26, 2024. Dive into advanced topics like dependency injection, service configuration, and implementing retry policies and circuit breakers. Elevate your API integration game with this comprehensive guide to leveraging HttpClient effectively.
  • Text Sentiment Anlysis using Azure OpenAI Service with .NET CoreMar 26, 2024. Article is about how to set up and integrate it into a .NET Core application, and provide examples of common AI use cases, including text sentiment analysis.
  • Unleashing the Power of Microsoft Copilot Stack in .NET CoreMar 23, 2024. This article will talk about the power of the Microsoft copilot stack core development with examples
  • Response Compression in .NET CoreMar 22, 2024. Learn about HTTP compression techniques like Gzip, Deflate, and Brotli to reduce payload sizes and expedite data transmission. Configure response compression in ASP.NET Core, control compression over HTTPS, and understand client-server interaction for efficient data exchange.
  • Exploring .NET 6's MinBy() and MaxBy() Extension MethodsMar 22, 2024. In this article, I will demonstrate the exciting new additions to LINQ extension methods introduced in.NET 6: MinBy() and MaxBy(). Let&#39;s explore how these powerful methods simplify code, providing efficient solutions for selecting extreme values within a generic sequence.
  • Background Services in .NET CoreMar 22, 2024. In this article, we will learn Background Services in .NET Core allow developers to execute asynchronous tasks in the background, ensuring the smooth operation of applications.
  • History and Evolution of Visual Studio and Supported .NET VersionsMar 22, 2024. This article gives a Brief overview of Visual Studio&#39;s evolution and its significance in software development. Description of each major version of Visual Studio from 1997 to 2022, highlighting key features, enhancements, and updates introduced in each release.
  • Simplifying File Uploads with .NET Core 7 Minimal APIsMar 21, 2024. Discover how .NET Core 7&#39;s Minimal APIs streamline file upload processes, enhancing development efficiency. Simplify backend tasks with minimalistic yet powerful approaches, optimizing file handling in web applications.
  • Folder Structure of .NET ProjectsMar 20, 2024. The folder structure of a .NET project is fundamental for developers navigating the vast ecosystem of .NET development. Whether you&#39;re building a console application or a web application, having a clear understanding of the folder structure is organizing and managing your code effectively.
  • Difference Between .NET Razor & .NET BlazorMar 20, 2024. .NET Razor and .NET Blazor are two approaches in the .NET framework for web development. Razor offers server-side rendering, while Blazor enables client-side interactivity with C#.
  • .NET internals: Learning Object-Oriented .NET ILMar 19, 2024. .NET IL, or Intermediate Language, serves as a bridge between high-level programming languages and machine code. This article delves into object-oriented .NET IL concepts with detailed explanations and code examples.
  • What is difference between .NET and .NET Framework?Mar 18, 2024. The &quot;.NET Framework&quot; and &quot;.NET&quot; (formerly known as &quot;.NET Core&quot;) are two different implementations of the .NET platform, each serving different purposes and targeting different scenarios. However, they share a common lineage and are part of the broader .NET ecosystem.
  • Understanding Deadlocks in C# and .NET CoreMar 18, 2024. Deadlocks, common in concurrent C# programs, occur when threads wait indefinitely for each other&#39;s resources. Learn prevention strategies and understand scenarios to ensure robust application execution.
  • .NET internals: Stack-Oriented .NET ILMar 16, 2024. Understanding .NET IL (Intermediate Language) is crucial for developers to comprehend how code interacts with the .NET Framework. While not typically written directly, it offers insights into compilation processes.
  • The New Avatar of Blazor with .NET 8Mar 14, 2024. In this article, an array of new features and improvements that have been incorporated into the Blazor framework as part of the latest iteration of the .NET platform, known as .NET 8. How these enhancements can benefit developers and enhance the capabilities of Blazor for building modern web applications.
  • Central Package Management (CPM) in .NET CoreMar 13, 2024. Learn the power of NuGet&#39;s central package management (CPM) for efficient dependency handling across projects. Utilize Directory.Packages.props to centrally manage package versions for simplified maintenance and enhanced control.
  • .NET Internals: Writing .NET IL/MSIL CodeMar 13, 2024. Learn about .NET IL, the bridge language of the .NET runtime, compiling all high-level .NET languages into a single language. Write multi-language applications in .NET, gaining insights into program execution.
  • Revolutionizing Software Architecture: .NET Core Web API and Microservices ParadigmsMar 12, 2024. As we navigate the dynamic landscape of software development, it is paramount to consider real-world scenarios and apply architectural patterns that foster separation of concerns and flexibility. The use cases presented, such as building a finance application with a layered architecture.
  • A Seamless Debugging Experience with Source Link in .NET 8Mar 11, 2024. Discover how to enhance your debugging experience in .NET 8 with Source Link, authored by Ziggy Rafiq. This article guides about the efficient use of Source Link for debugging, providing invaluable insights for software developers. With this authoritative resource, you can master the intricacies of debugging in .NET 8.
  • Understanding the .NET Internal Compile ProcessMar 11, 2024. In this article, we will learn about CLR, Jit Compiler, and how the .NET compilation process works. Understanding the .NET internal compile process involves dissecting how source code is translated into executable binaries.
  • Difference Between .NET Framework, .NET Core, and .NET StandardMar 11, 2024. This article, delves into the distinctions between .NET Framework, .NET Core, and .NET Standard. Exploring their histories, open-source nature, cross-platform capabilities, and performance aspects, the article aims to provide a comprehensive overview for developers.
  • Leveraging Azure OpenAI with .NET CoreMar 11, 2024. This article discusses leveraging Azure OpenAI with .NET Core. Discover the synergy of Microsoft Azure and OpenAI with .NET Core. This guide unveils the seamless integration, empowering developers to implement cutting-edge AI solutions across diverse domains.
  • Azure Kubernetes Service with .NET CoreMar 11, 2024. This article will talk about AKS and .NET Core and their integration and deployment process. Explore the seamless integration of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with .NET Core. This guide provides step-by-step instructions and examples for efficient containerized application deployment.
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Entity Framework Core in .NET 8Mar 10, 2024. Explore the comprehensive guide to Entity Framework Core in .NET 8, enriched with the latest features of C# 10. Authored by Ziggy Rafiq, this detailed overview covers everything from basic concepts to advanced techniques, offering insights into database interaction, performance optimisation, testing strategies, and best practices for .NET developers
  • Implement Global Exception Handling Middleware in .NET ProjectMar 07, 2024. Implementing custom global exception handling in your project involves setting up a system to manage errors across your application. By defining exception classes and configuring error logging, you can ensure smoother error handling and improve the reliability of your software.
  • What is New in .NET 9Mar 04, 2024. .NET 9, succeeding .NET 8, places particular emphasis on cloud-native applications and enhancing performance. It will receive standard-term support (STS) for 18 months.
  • Product Management Application using .NET Core and React JS with CRUD OperationsMar 02, 2024. In this article, learn to create a product management web API with CRUD operations using .NET Core 6 and React JS. Utilize SQL Server for the backend and Axios for API consumption.
  • C# 10 and .NET Interactive Web Applications with Blazor WebAssemblyMar 02, 2024. This framework, emphasizing C# and .NET, simplifies UI updates, fosters code reusability, and seamlessly integrates with .NET Standard libraries for enhanced functionality. Dive into component-based architecture, two-way data binding, and a vast ecosystem, unlocking the potential of Blazor WebAssembly for dynamic by Ziggy Rafiq.
  • Convert Text to Audio using Azure and .NET 8Mar 01, 2024. In this article, we will learn how to harness the power of Azure and .NET8 to seamlessly convert text into audio. Explore the integration of Azure Cognitive Services for text-to-speech functionality, leveraging the robust capabilities of.NET8 for efficient development.
  • Understanding Caching in .NET With ExampleFeb 28, 2024. Caching is a cornerstone in .NET development, enhancing application performance and scalability. This article explores its significance, and diverse caching techniques, and offers a practical example for efficient implementation in .NET applications.
  • Service Lifetimes in .NET Core ApplicationsFeb 26, 2024. In .NET Core, understanding service lifetimes is crucial for efficient dependency management. This article explores transient, scoped, and singleton lifetimes with practical examples in ASP.NET Core applications.
  • Creating a Personalized Waiting Window in .NET 6, 7, 8 WPFFeb 26, 2024. A custom loader in a WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) .Net 6,7,8 application serves the purpose of indicating to the user that the application is performing a task or operation that may take some time to complete.
  • How to Integrate Twilio in C# .NET MVC Project to Send SMS?Feb 26, 2024. In this article, we will learn how to integrate Twilio in a C# .NET MVC project to send SMS. Learn to enhance user engagement by integrating Twilio into a C# MVC project. Follow the steps from setting up a Twilio account to sending SMS, creating a seamless user interaction experience.
  • Create a Custom Wait Loader in .NET MAUI Feb 24, 2024. Within MAUI, a loading indicator, also known as a &quot;wait loader,&quot; is commonly employed to notify the user of an ongoing time-consuming task, such as data retrieval, processing, or any operation that could potentially lead to the UI becoming unresponsive or frozen.
  • Run .NET 6 containerized applications on Google Cloud Run Feb 23, 2024. Effortlessly deploy .NET 6 containerized apps on Google Cloud Run. Benefit from serverless architecture, scalability, and seamless integration with Docker, enabling efficient management and deployment of your applications in the cloud.
  • Building an Interactive Chatbot with Prompt Engineering using ChatGPT, .NET Core, and AzureFeb 23, 2024. This article will talk about building an Interactive chatbot with Prompt Engineering using ChatGPT, .NET Core, and Azure.
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Best Practices and Common Scenarios Using Dependency Injection in .NET 8 with C#10Feb 20, 2024. This comprehensive resource covers everything you need to know to leverage Dependency Injection effectively in .NET 8 with C# 10. Ziggy Rafiq explains how to use Dependency Injection in the best possible way. For developers looking to optimize their .NET projects, this guide provides invaluable insight from understanding core concepts to implementing advanced techniques.
  • Azure DevOps: Create Organization, Project, Commit .NET SolutionFeb 20, 2024. Create Azure DevOps Organization &amp; Azure DevOps Project, Commit .NET Solution Project into Azure DevOps. The article provides a detailed guide on establishing an Azure DevOps Organization, creating a project, and committing to a .NET Solution Project.
  • New Features Coming in .NET 9 | Vision for .NET 9Feb 19, 2024. Discover the vision for .NET 9, Microsoft&#39;s next-generation framework. With a focus on cloud-native development, intelligent app integration, productivity enhancements, and performance/security optimizations, explore the future of .NET.
  • Camelcase Serialization in .Net 9Feb 19, 2024. In .NET 9, developers have been granted a powerful tool to enhance data serialization: CamelCase Serialization. This feature facilitates smoother interoperability with systems and frameworks that expect camelCase formatted data
  • Rate limiting in Minimal APIs with .NET 8Feb 19, 2024. Explore rate limiting in .NET Core to manage incoming traffic, enhance performance, and defend against malicious activities. Test fixed window, concurrency, token bucket, and sliding window limiters in a Minimal API.
  • Integrating Azure Blob Storage with .NET Feb 19, 2024. In this article, we&#39;ll explore how to integrate Azure Blob Storage with an ASP.NET Core 8 MVC application. We&#39;ll focus on creating a dedicated BlobStorageController to perform all blob-related operations, including listing files, uploading, deleting, and downloading.
  • Securing Your .NET Projects: Simple Strategies and Real ExamplesFeb 18, 2024. In today&#39;s digital world, keeping our software safe from cyber threats is super important. For developers working with .NET projects, it&#39;s not just a good idea but really necessary to make sure our apps are strong against potential attacks. Luckily, there are lots of tools and tricks within the .NET world to help us do this.
  • Understanding Prompt Engineering with .NET CoreFeb 18, 2024. This article would be about understanding prompt engineering with .NET Core.
  • Error Management in .NET CoreFeb 18, 2024. In software development, dealing with mistakes is really important. Whether it&#39;s a small problem or a big one, how a program handles mistakes can really affect how well it works for users. In the .NET Core world, there&#39;s a cool way to handle errors called global exception handling using custom middleware.
  • Hands-On Prompt Engineering with .NET CoreFeb 18, 2024. This hands-on article guides you through implementing prompt engineering with .NET Core to build effective conversational AI systems. Learn techniques such as contextual prompts, error handling, and response variation.
  • Global Exception Handling in .NET Core with Custom MiddlewareFeb 16, 2024. Global exception handling in .NET Core, utilizing custom middleware, centralizes error management, enhancing resilience and simplifying maintenance. This approach streamlines error handling across the application, promoting consistency and fortifying against unexpected failures.
  • Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry in .NET CoreFeb 16, 2024. OpenTelemetry revolutionizes observability in software development, offering a unified approach to collecting telemetry data across distributed systems. With its standardized APIs and SDKs, developers can effortlessly instrument their .NET Core applications for distributed tracing,
  • Fortifying your .NET ProjectFeb 16, 2024. This article explores essential strategies to enhance the security of .NET projects, addressing common threats like SQL injection and XSS. It covers input validation, parameterized queries, authentication, secure communication, XSS prevention, and dependency management for robust application security.
  • Optimize HttpClient Usage in .NET CoreFeb 15, 2024. Dive into advanced topics like dependency injection, service configuration, and implementing retry policies and circuit breakers. Elevate your API integration game with this comprehensive guide to leveraging HttpClient effectively.
  • Resolving Database Reconnection Challenges in .NET with PollyFeb 13, 2024. This content provides an overview and detailed implementation guide of utilizing the Polly library for connection retry in .NET applications. It demonstrates creating an Employee class and table, simulating temporary database disconnection.
  • Explain Keyed Services in .NET 8Feb 12, 2024. This article explores the concept of keyed services in .NET 8, a new feature enhancing dependency injection capabilities. It explains the benefits of using keyed services, along with detailed steps on their implementation through a real-world data storage example.
  • Unit Testing with xUnit in .NET 8Feb 12, 2024. This article talks about Unit Testing with xUnit with the .Net 8 framework as a guide. This comprehensive guide explores unit testing with xUnit in .NET 8, covering fundamentals, prerequisites, creating a sample project, writing tests, and advanced concepts like fixtures and mocking by Ziggy Rafiq.
  • Develop a Customized MessageBox in .NET MAUIFeb 12, 2024. A message box, also known as a dialog or alert box, serves various functions within software applications, each with specific requirements aimed at improving user interaction
  • Stored Procedure with Dapper in .NET Core APIFeb 12, 2024. f you&#39;re diving into .NET Core development and want to leverage the simplicity and efficiency of Dapper for working with databases, understanding how to use Dapper with stored procedures is a valuable skill. In this article, we&#39;ll explore the basics of integrating Dapper with stored procedures in a .NET Core application.
  • Implementation of the Azure AD Authentication Connection using .Net MauiFeb 11, 2024. In this article, I will explain about .NET MAUI Authentication implementation using visual studio 2022. Authentication is the process of obtaining identification credentials such as name and password from a user and validating those credentials against an authority. The entity that submitted the credentials is considered an authenticated identity if the credentials are valid. Once an identity has been established, an authorization process determines whether that identity has access to a given resource or not and Microsoft Data sync Framework has built-in support for any authentication provider that uses a Json Web Token (JWT) within a header of the HTTP transaction. This application uses the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to request such a token and authorize the signed in user to the backend service. Although we use Microsoft Entra ID for authentication, you can use any authentication library you wish with Azure Mobile Apps.