  • Exploring in Depth Of Abstraction in C#May 14, 2024. Dive deep into abstraction in C#, exploring OOP concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Learn about abstract classes, interfaces, generics, and advanced features like delegates and events, enhancing code modularity and scalability.
  • Web API Service Call Function In Blazor Component May 13, 2024. Learn how to make HTTP service calls to a Web API from a Blazor component using C#. Explore asynchronous programming, HTTP client usage, and integration of RESTful API calls. Understand how to leverage dependency injection and Razor syntax for seamless integration in Blazor applications.
  • Exploring Data Structures: The Stack in .NET C#May 13, 2024. Data structures are the fundamental building blocks of software engineering. They enable efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data, serving as the backbone of countless algorithms and applications.
  • Difference between SQL and T-SQLMay 09, 2024. In the realm of relational database management systems (RDBMS), SQL (Structured Query Language) and T-SQL (Transact-SQL) are often used interchangeably. In this article, we'll delve into the key differences between SQL and T-SQL, shedding light on their respective features, functionalities, and use cases.
  • SOLID Principles in Software Development using C#May 09, 2024. This article will explore each SOLID principle and demonstrate how they can be applied in C#.
  • Implementing Railway-Oriented ProgrammingMay 09, 2024. In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement Railway-Oriented programming with Result Design Pattern. Railway-oriented programming enhances error handling by structuring code like a railway track. Result types replace exceptions for expected errors, ensuring clear and manageable flows.
  • What are Classes in Object Oriented Programming (OOP)May 08, 2024. Classes in OOP serve as blueprints for creating objects. They encapsulate data and behavior, promoting modularity and code reuse through inheritance and polymorphism, essential for building scalable and maintainable software systems.
  • Introduction to Railway-oriented programmingMay 08, 2024. This article delves into Railway-oriented Programming (ROP), a functional approach to error handling and data flow. It compares ROP to exceptions, offers a C# implementation, and discusses its benefits and considerations.
  • Dictionary vs HashTable in .NET C#May 08, 2024. Explore the differences between Dictionary and HashTable in .NET C#. Learn about efficient key-value storage, hashing techniques, and performance contrasts. Discover when to use Dictionary<TKey, TValue> for type safety and modern features versus HashTable for legacy support.
  • Scrutor vs Autofac in C# - Dependency Injection ExamplesMay 08, 2024. This article compares Scrutor and Autofac, two popular dependency injection (DI) libraries in C# projects. Scrutor focuses on convention-based registration, while Autofac offers advanced configuration and extensive features for complex scenarios.
  • Count UPPERCASE and lowercase Letter in Word or SentenseMay 07, 2024. This Java program efficiently counts the occurrence of uppercase and lowercase letters in a given word or sentence. It utilizes a Scanner to take user input and iterates through each character, incrementing counts accordingly.
  • Programming in Practice - LINQ Expression May 06, 2024. An impression can be made that: data is data, and it doesn't matter where it comes from provided it is reliable. The LINQ technology is presented to fetch the necessary data from any available source. After reading the full story forget about ChatGPT and MSDN in the context of LINQ to make your life easier.
  • Git GUI Clients (2), VS CodeMay 06, 2024. This series explores various Git GUI clients like Visual Studio, VS Code, GitHub Desktop, TortoiseGit, and SmartGit, focusing on their features for repos management, interaction between local and remote repos, and more.
  • How to Develop Programs(Smart Contracts) on Solana Blockchain?May 06, 2024. In this article, we will learn how to write a smart contract in Rust using the Anchor framework. Smart contracts, deployed on the Solana blockchain, autonomously execute predefined functions triggered by conditions.
  • Dive into Azure Bicep Syntax & BasicsMay 06, 2024. Explore Azure Bicep syntax with this comprehensive guide, deciphering its intricacies. Learn to streamline Azure resource deployment using Infrastructure as Code, simplifying ARM template management and enhancing resource management efficiency.
  • A Brief History of Microsoft Programming IDE’sMay 06, 2024. This article provides a concise overview of the evolution of Microsoft programming IDEs, tracing from Visual Basic to Visual Studio and beyond, highlighting their impact on software development efficiency and the integration of AI tools.
  • Program, Accounts and Program Driven Addresses(PDA) in SolanaMay 03, 2024. In this article, we will learn about Programs, Accounts, and Program Driven Addresses(PDA) in Solana. programs are like the building blocks of decentralized applications.
  • Maximizing Efficiency with Thread Pooling in C# ProgrammingMay 03, 2024. This article explores thread pooling in C#, focusing on its efficiency benefits in concurrent programming. It discusses its importance, implementation using C#, and best practices for optimal performance and scalability.
  • Method Signature Honesty in Functional Programming with C#May 02, 2024. This article explores the concept of "method signature honesty" in functional programming with C#. It emphasizes clear communication of method behavior through signatures, promoting predictability, composability, and code understanding.
  • Exploring Interface and Abstract Class in C# ProgrammingApr 30, 2024. In C#, both interfaces and abstract classes are powerful tools for designing flexible and reusable code. Let's delve into the concepts of interface and abstract class, explore their differences, and see examples of how they are used.
  • AI vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. Data ScienceApr 30, 2024. This article will help you to understand the difference between AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science. In today's tech landscape, terms like AI, ML, Deep Learning, and Data Science are often confused.
  • Difference Between ReadOnly and Constant in .NET C#Apr 26, 2024. In C#, `readonly` and `const` keywords declare values with key differences. `const` is compile-time, immutable, and static, while `readonly` is runtime, set in constructors, and can vary. Choose based on usage scenarios.
  • C# Programming: Language Fundamentals, OOP, Async, LINQApr 25, 2024. This guide provides a thorough exploration of the C# language, covering essential topics such as language fundamentals, object-oriented programming concepts, asynchronous programming, and Language Integrated Query (LINQ).
  • User Input Management with SegmentManager in C#Apr 25, 2024. In C#, one such tool that simplifies user input management is the `SegmentManager` class. This article delves into how the `SegmentManager` class facilitates the handling of user input in a structured and efficient manner.
  • Create Your Customized Copilot Using Microsoft Copilot - Part 1 Apr 25, 2024. Create your own personalized Copilot with Microsoft Copilot, leveraging its AI prowess to enhance code generation and streamline development tasks. This series explores customizing Copilot for tailored code suggestions and improved productivity in your programming workflow.
  • Adapter Design Pattern In FlutterApr 25, 2024. Explore the Adapter Design Pattern, a popular structural design pattern in software development. Learn its definition, real-world examples, appropriate use cases, potential pitfalls, and more.
  • Getting Started with WaitGroups in GoApr 25, 2024. Discover the power of WaitGroups in Go for coordinating concurrent tasks. This beginner's guide will show you how to synchronize goroutines effectively, ensuring smooth parallel execution. Perfect for those new to Go or looking to deepen their understanding of concurrent programming.
  • Exploring the BlockingCollection<T> Class in .NETApr 25, 2024. In the world of concurrent programming in .NET, developers often encounter scenarios where multiple threads need to communicate and synchronize access to shared data structures. In this article, we&#39;ll delve into the BlockingCollection&lt;T&gt; class, explore its features, and learn how it simplifies concurrent programming in .NET.
  • LINQ in C#: Knowing When to Use First() vs FirstOrDefault()Apr 24, 2024. LINQ, a cornerstone of C#, empowers developers to query data across various sources efficiently. This guide delves into the nuanced differences between First() and FirstOrDefault(), aiding in crafting resilient and optimized code.
  • Best Practices for Threading in .NET C#Apr 24, 2024. Threading is a powerful feature in .NET C# that allows developers to execute multiple tasks concurrently. In this article, we&#39;ll explore best practices for managed threading in .NET C#, covering topics such as thread safety, synchronization, and performance optimization.
  • ConcurrentBag<T> in C#: Thread-Safe Collection GuideApr 23, 2024. In the world of concurrent programming in C#, managing data safely across multiple threads is a paramount concern. In this article, we&#39;ll delve into ConcurrentBag&lt;T&gt;, its usage, and provide simple examples to help developers grasp its concepts more effectively.
  • Utilization of DataGrid VS ListBox in WPF C#Apr 22, 2024. In WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), the DataGrid and ListBox are two powerful controls that serve different purposes and are suitable for different scenarios
  • Concurrent Dictionary for String Comparison in .NET CoreApr 20, 2024. In .NET Core, the `ConcurrentDictionary&lt;TKey, TValue&gt;` class provides a thread-safe collection for storing key-value pairs, making it suitable for concurrent operations in multi-threaded environments. When it comes to comparing two strings concurrently, we can leverage ConcurrentDictionary along with appropriate methods to achieve efficient
  • Queue & Dequeue with Concurrent Dictionary in .NET CoreApr 20, 2024. In multi-threaded applications, efficient handling of concurrent data structures is crucial to ensure thread safety and performance. While .NET Core provides a variety of thread-safe collections, each with its own strengths and use cases, there are scenarios where we might need to implement queue and dequeue functionality.
  • Exploring the Fundamentals of Concurrent Programming in .NETApr 19, 2024. Concurrency is vital for efficient applications. .NET offers Thread, Multithreading, Task, Async &amp; Await, Threadpool, Lock, and Deadlock tools. Understanding them enhances .NET development for scalable and responsive apps.
  • CancellationToken in ASP.NET CoreApr 19, 2024. CancellationToken in ASP.NET Core provides a powerful mechanism for achieving this goal. In this article, we will delve into the concept of CancellationToken, its usage, and practical examples to illustrate its importance in asynchronous programming.
  • Newtonsoft.Json vs. System.Text.Json: Comparative AnalysisApr 17, 2024. In the world of .NET development, handling JSON serialization and deserialization is a common task, especially when dealing with web APIs. In this article, we&#39;ll compare and contrast these two libraries, exploring their features, examples, advantages, and disadvantages.
  • Singleton vs. Static Class in C# - Choosing the Right ApproachApr 17, 2024. Singleton and Static classes can only have one instance available in memory, and both classes can be used to maintain the global state of an application, however, there are many differences between them. In this article, I explain what their differences are.
  • HttpClient vs IHttpClientFactory in .NETApr 16, 2024. In the realm of .NET Core development, managing HTTP requests efficiently is crucial for building robust and high-performance applications. In this article, we delve into the differences between HttpClient and IHttpClientFactory, examining their strengths, weaknesses, and best practices.
  • Alibaba Cloud ECS vs ACK: Choosing Right Solution for WorkloadsApr 15, 2024. Struggling to choose between ECS and ACK for your containerized apps on Alibaba Cloud? This guide unlocks the key differences to pick the ideal service for scaling &amp; managing your workloads.
  • Exploring Frozen Collections in .NET 8 With BenchmarkingApr 14, 2024. Frozen Collections is a new .NET 8 feature that can be used to create Dictionaries and Sets for faster read operations when you don’t need to make changes after the creation. In this article, I present how to work with these collections and demonstrate the performance difference when compared with other collections.
  • Understanding Structs(Structure) in C# With Employee ExampleApr 13, 2024. In C#, a struct (short for structure) is a value type that encapsulates data and behavior related to a single concept. Structs are used to represent lightweight objects that typically contain a small number of fields. In this article, we&#39;ll explore what structs are, how they differ from classes, and their advantages.
  • Not all Functions are C# MethodsApr 13, 2024. How to write your functional programming functions in C#? That is the main question we&#39;re going to answer in this article.
  • SQL Join Methods: Cross Join vs. Comma-Separated JoinApr 11, 2024. In the realm of SQL querying, the choice of join method can significantly impact the result set and performance of your queries. Two commonly used methods, cross join and comma-separated join, often serve similar purposes but carry distinct nuances and implications.
  • Parallel Programming with SemaphoreSlim in .NETApr 09, 2024. SemaphoreSlim in .NET enables efficient concurrency management, regulating resource access and ensuring thread safety. It&#39;s crucial for robust parallel programming, offering scalability without sacrificing stability in modern software development.
  • .NET Synchronous vs AsynchronousApr 04, 2024. Synchronous programming in .NET involves sequential execution, blocking the current thread until a task completes. Asynchronous programming, on the other hand, enables non-blocking execution, improving responsiveness by allowing tasks to execute independently.
  • Explanation of HttpClient in .NET CoreApr 03, 2024. The HttpClient class simplifies making HTTP requests (like GET or POST) in your .NET Core applications. It handles connections, timeouts, and responses, letting you focus on the data you need.
  • Functional programming in C# - IntroductionApr 02, 2024. Lets learn the concept of functional programming, its usage and why functional programming is important
  • Functional Programming in C# - Functional FeaturesApr 02, 2024. C# boasts diverse paradigms, including Object-Oriented, Imperative, Functional, and Generic programming. Its multi-paradigm nature empowers developers to solve problems using various styles, enhancing flexibility and efficiency.
  • Exploring the Contrasts: Azure Service Bus vs. RabbitMQApr 02, 2024. Azure Service Bus and RabbitMQ are messaging systems, but differ in deployment (cloud vs self-hosted), protocol support, and feature set. Azure Service Bus is fully managed and integrated with Azure, while RabbitMQ offers more flexibility and control but requires self-management.
  • OpenAI Tests Voice Cloning ProgramApr 01, 2024. OpenAI Tests Voice Cloning Program to create AI-based voices. OpenAI ventures into voice cloning with &quot;Voice Engine,&quot; a powerful tool utilizing deep learning to mimic real voices. While promising for content creators, ethical concerns and safeguards against misuse are critical.
  • C# Structs: Performance Benefits, Usage, and Best PracticesApr 01, 2024. This article provides an insightful overview of structs in C#, detailing their value type nature, stack allocation, and key characteristics. It includes examples and considerations for when to use structs versus classes.
  • Difference between Azure DevOps vs JenkinsApr 01, 2024. Azure DevOps, Microsoft&#39;s suite for DevOps practices, fosters collaboration and manages the software lifecycle. Jenkins, an open-source CI/CD tool, automates tasks. Both offer distinct features and serve diverse needs in software development workflows.
  • ViewData vs ViewBag vs TempData vs Session in .NETMar 30, 2024. In ASP.NET, passing data between controllers and views is a common requirement for building dynamic web applications. ASP.NET provides several mechanisms for achieving this, including ViewData, ViewBag, TempData, and Session.
  • String vs StringBuilder in C# with ExampleMar 29, 2024. In this article, we have explained the difference between String and StringBuilder in C# with example. Know the basic knowledge of String and StringBuilder in C#.
  • Temporary Tables vs Common Table Expressions in SQL ServerMar 29, 2024. In this article, we will learn what is Differences Between Temporary Tables and Common Table Expressions in SQL Server. Temporary tables and Common Table Expressions (CTEs) are SQL Server tools for data manipulation.
  • Difference Between Sealed Class & Abstract Class in C#Mar 28, 2024. In object-oriented programming (OOP) with C#, classes serve as the foundation for building robust and scalable applications. Two important concepts in class design are sealed classes and abstract classes.
  • Visual Studio 2022 IntelliSense Hover not Working ProblemMar 26, 2024. VS 2022 extensions can interfere with the IntelliSense Hover functionality. Fix Visual Studio 2022 IntelliSense Hover not working by uninstalling the problematic extension causing the issue.
  • C# HTTP Methods: Safe vs. Unsafe, GET vs. POST in .NET CoreMar 26, 2024. Dive into advanced topics like dependency injection, service configuration, and implementing retry policies and circuit breakers. Elevate your API integration game with this comprehensive guide to leveraging HttpClient effectively.
  • Class vs. Record vs. Struct in C#Mar 26, 2024. Understanding the distinctions among classes, records, and structs is vital in C# development. Classes encapsulate data and behavior, records offer immutable data modeling, while structs are lightweight value types. Examples illustrate their usage.
  • Difference Between Kafka vs RabbitMQMar 26, 2024. Apache Kafka is an open-source platform built for handling real-time data streams efficiently. RedditMQ does not exist as a real technology or platform but could hypothetically refer to a messaging system tailored to Reddit&#39;s communication and interaction mechanisms.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Solutions (S3) vs Amazon RedshiftMar 21, 2024. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a cloud storage solution designed for storing and retrieving any type of data securely and at scale. On the other hand, Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service optimized for querying and analyzing large datasets with high performance and cost-effectiveness.
  • Decorator Pattern in C# - 3 versionsMar 20, 2024. In this article, we will explore the versatile Decorator Pattern in C#, presented in 3 different versions. Enhance your understanding of object-oriented design with this powerful pattern, offering flexible ways to add functionality to objects dynamically.
  • Singleton Design Pattern In FlutterMar 20, 2024. Learn how and when to use Singletons, implement them effectively, and explore their advantages and limitations. This article also includes a sample implementation using the shared_preferences package to manage user preferences.
  • English as a New Programming Language: Bridging the Gap Between Code and LanguageMar 15, 2024. Explore the concept of using English as a programming language, with examples and explanations for better understanding.
  • Exploring Blackbox AI Code Generation, Code Chat, and Code Search for VS CodeMar 15, 2024. Discover the latest enhancements in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with Blackbox AI Code Generation, Code Chat, and Code Search features. Boost productivity, streamline collaboration, and navigate code effortlessly within the familiar VS Code environment.
  • Amazon Redshift Vs Azure Synapse AnalyticsMar 13, 2024. Choosing between Amazon Redshift and Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics depends on your specific needs and priorities. Here&#39;s a breakdown to help you decide
  • Abstract Factory Design Pattern In FlutterMar 12, 2024. Learn about the Abstract Factory design pattern in Flutter for creating platform-specific widgets. This pattern centralizes the creation of related objects, making it easier to manage and work with multiple factory methods.
  • Static Resource vs Dynamic Resource in WPFMar 11, 2024. Delve into WPF&#39;s resource binding, exploring both static and dynamic approaches. Static binding offers performance benefits and compile-time validation, while dynamic binding allows runtime updates, enabling dynamic theming. Happy coding!
  • The Dangling If-Else Problem: A Common Pitfall in ProgrammingMar 08, 2024. Explore the often-overlooked issue of the &quot;dangling if-else problem&quot; in programming through our insightful article. We delve into the ambiguity that arises when multiple if-else statements are nested without clear indentation, leading to unexpected behavior and logical errors.
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Nullable Reference Types in C# 10Mar 07, 2024. Explore a comprehensive guide to leveraging nullable reference types in C# 10 by Ziggy Rafiq, providing detailed explanations, code examples, and best practices for improving code safety and robustness. Learn how nullable reference types enable developers to catch null-related bugs at compile time, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors and enhancing code quality.
  • Exploring AI-Driven C# Development with GitHub CopilotMar 07, 2024. One of the most exciting advancements in this space is GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered coding assistant specifically designed to streamline the development process for C# programmers. This article delves into the potential of AI-driven development in C# with GitHub Copilot, exploring its capabilities, benefits, and limitations.
  • Difference Between SUM and SUMX in Power BIMar 07, 2024. This article explains the difference between SUM and SUMX functions in Power BI. In Power BI, understanding the distinctions between SUM and SUMX functions is crucial for accurate data analysis. SUM operates in the row context, while SUMX offers iterator context flexibility.
  • Asynchronous Programming in Angular Promises vs. ObservablesMar 06, 2024. Asynchronous programming plays a crucial role in modern web development, especially in Angular applications where data fetching, event handling. In this article, we&#39;ll delve into the differences between promises and observables, their usage, and provide code examples to illustrate their behavior.
  • Performance Testing with K6 ToolMar 06, 2024. k6 is an open-source framework designed to simplify performance testing for developers. It leverages the Goja programming language, an implementation of ES2015 JavaScript on Golang. This allows developers to write performance testing scripts using JavaScript syntax compatible with ES2015 standards.
  • Difference Between let, var, and const in JavaScript with ExampleMar 05, 2024. In this article, I will demonstrate how to use Var, let, and const with examples. The Var, Let, and const keywords are used to declare variables in JavaScript. Choosing the right variable while writing code makes it more efficient and robust.
  • Introduction to Design Patterns in FlutterMar 02, 2024. Explore the importance of design patterns in software development. Learn about different types of patterns, their benefits, and how they can improve code efficiency, readability, and maintainability. Ideal for developers seeking to enhance their coding practices.
  • Calculated Columns vs. Measures in Power BIFeb 29, 2024. In this article, calculated columns and measures are crucial in Power BI for robust data analysis. Calculated columns, akin to spreadsheet columns, are static and impact data refresh performance. Measures, dynamic calculations, enhance report efficiency, adapting to context changes.
  • 2D Array with Matrix Multiplication in C ProgrammingFeb 28, 2024. A double subscripted variable, also known as a two-dimensional array, is a variable that has two subscripts assigned to it in order to represent a list of items.
  • Cherry-Pick and Stash for Efficient Development WorkflowsFeb 28, 2024. Excited to share SourceTree tips! Learn how to boost productivity with cherry-pick &amp; stash features. Keep commits clean &amp; manage work-in-progress seamlessly!
  • Difference Between Element and Component in React.js Feb 27, 2024. In React, elements and components are fundamental concepts serving distinct roles. Elements are the smallest building blocks describing what to render, while components are reusable code managing UI display and state.
  • Programming in Practice DisciplineFeb 27, 2024. Programming in Practice is a discipline that systematically applies engineering principles to the program design, development, and implementation of algorithms, program text editions, and testing. It is a part of the software engineering discipline, which also involves project management, software distribution, maintenance, and evolution of software systems. Programming in Practice can be deployed tanks to widely accepted best practice rules and design patterns for well-defined subdomains as follows: sequential programming, concurrent programming, real-time programming, parallel programming, and distributed programming.
  • Usage of Classes, Structs, and Records in C#Feb 26, 2024. In the world of C# programming, choosing the right data structure can significantly impact the efficiency and readability of your code. In this article, we&#39;ll delve into the nuances of each construct and explore when to use them in your C# projects.
  • Unveiling New Features for Simplified Syntax and Improved Performance in C# 10Feb 17, 2024. In C# 10, authored by Ziggy Rafiq, developers will discover simplified syntax and performance improvements. Record structs combine the benefits of records and structs for better memory efficiency. Global usage streamlines namespace imports, reducing code clutter. With improved pattern matching and switch expressions, C# 10 is more expressive and concise. It enhances readability and performance.
  • Learning and Improving Our Code Style with C# 10Feb 14, 2024. Ziggy Rafiq wrote this article on Learning and Improving Our Code Style with C# 10 to highlight the Basics, and latest features of C# 10, clean code, review code, problem-solving, reading high-quality code, attending workshops and conferences, feedback and mentoring.
  • String.IsNullOrEmpty() vs String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()Feb 13, 2024. Learn when to use String.IsNullOrEmpty() and String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() in C#. Understand their differences for effective null and whitespace checks, enhancing data validation and code reliability.
  • Polymorphism Concept in Object-Oriented ProgrammingFeb 12, 2024. What do you mean by polymorphism? Polymorphism is explained with C# examples, Polymorphism, a concept extending beyond programming, is illustrated in everyday scenarios. Electrical outlets serve as an analogy, supporting diverse devices—an example of polymorphism manifesting in real life.
  • What is Memento Pattern in C#?Feb 09, 2024. In this article, we will learn aboutThe Memento Pattern in C# enables capturing and restoring an object&#39;s state. It&#39;s crucial for implementing undo/redo functionalities and managing state changes efficiently in object-oriented systems, enhancing code maintainability and flexibility.
  • Override Basic Object of PythonFeb 06, 2024. This article introduces the concept of overriding methods in Python, focusing on the str and repr methods of the base object class. It explains how developers can customize the output when printing objects by overriding these methods.
  • Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await in C#Feb 06, 2024. C# leverages async and await keywords for asynchronous programming, crucial for I/O tasks. Defined with an async modifier, methods return Task or Task&lt;T&gt;. TAP enhances responsiveness, allowing concurrent operations.
  • Result vs. ActionResult in ASP.NET MVCFeb 06, 2024. In ASP.NET MVC, ActionResult is a general base class for action results, offering flexibility. ViewResult, a specific type, is used when explicitly returning a view, simplifying code for clearer understanding.
  • Generate Bell-Shaped Distribution: PySpark & Matplotlib in Fabric NotebookFeb 05, 2024. Learn how to generate and visualize a bell-shaped or normal distribution using PySpark and Matplotlib in Microsoft Fabric Notebook. Explore the characteristics of a normal distribution, its symmetry, central tendency, and variability.
  • iOS - Choosing Image From Photo Library In SwiftFeb 05, 2024. This Swift tutorial demonstrates creating a photo library access request, implementing a UIImageView, and handling image selection.
  • ASP.NET Core MVC vs Razor Pages vs CodeBehind FrameworkFeb 02, 2024. In this article, we compare the performance of ASP.NET Core with the CodeBehind framework. Once we compare Razor Pages with CodeBehind and once again we compare ASP.NET Core MVC with the CodeBehind framework.
  • Using CoPilot in VS Code to Rocketship Your Coding - Part 1Jan 31, 2024. Welcome to the era of efficient and productive coding with GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio Code (VS Code). That&#39;s exactly what CoPilot brings to the table. By analyzing your code and context, it provides accurate and relevant suggestions to help you write high-quality code with ease.
  • C#: The Programming Language of the Year 2023Jan 30, 2024. C#’s Syntax Wins Hearts and Minds.
  • Command Line Arguments in C ProgrammingJan 30, 2024. Programming can be powerfully customized with command line options without requiring changes to the code. In this article, we will learn how command line arguments in C programming empower users to modify a program&#39;s behavior, providing flexibility and adaptability without altering the source code.
  • Why Azure is better than AWS when using VS CodeJan 29, 2024. Comparison of using AWS versus Azure as an engineer when using VS Code
  • Linear Regression vs Logistic RegressionJan 29, 2024. Understanding the difference between Linear Regression and Logistic Regression in Machine Learning. Linear and Logistic Regression: understand relationships between variables and predict outcomes. Learn differences and use cases in regression analysis for both continuous and categorical data.
  • Synchronous vs Asynchronous Programming in ASP.NET Core Web APIJan 21, 2024. Synchronous Programming: In synchronous programming, tasks are executed one after the other, in a sequential manner. When a request is made to a synchronous API, the server processes the request and waits for it to be completed before moving on to the next task. This means that if one operation takes a long time to finish, it can block the execution of subsequent operations, potentially leading to slower response times for clients.Asynchronous Programming: On the other hand, asynchronous programming allows tasks to be executed concurrently. When a request is made to an asynchronous API, the server can initiate tasks and continue processing other requests without waiting for the previous tasks to be completed. This can lead to better scalability and responsiveness, especially in scenarios where certain operations, such as I/O operations, may take some time.ASP.NET Core Web API: In ASP.NET Core Web API, you have the flexibility to choose between synchronous and asynchronous programming models. The framework supports both approaches. Asynchronous programming is particularly useful when dealing with I/O-bound operations, such as accessing a database or making external API calls, where the application can continue processing other tasks while waiting for the I/O operation to complete.To implement asynchronous programming in ASP.NET Core Web API, you can use the `async` and `await` keywords in your controller methods, allowing you to write non-blocking code. This helps improve the overall performance and responsiveness of your API, especially in scenarios with high concurrency.

About Parallel-vs-sequential-Programming