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  • Create OpenGL Mono For Android Application3/21/2020 12:30:15 AM. In this article we are going to create an OpenGL Mono for Android application using Visual Studio 2010.
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  • Working With LinearLayout in Android Using Visual Studio 2010 - Part 23/20/2020 2:10:42 AM. This article is all about the gravity property and padding property in LinearLayout of android.
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  • Linear Layout Tutorial in Android App Development12/15/2016 11:26:34 PM. In this tutorial, you will learn about Android's Linear Layout and its weight property. This is the 6th video in the series of Android App Development Tutorials. Learn what is Linear Layout and La
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  • Create and Cancel Notification 8/19/2015 2:52:08 AM. Notification is main component in Android framework It is used for alert the the user about receive sms,low battery and other things.We can also create our own Notification in Android in this video Tutorial you will learn how to create and Cancel Notification in Android and learn about the use of Notification Manager,Notication classes in Android
  • 2D RoundRactangle in Android 8/19/2015 2:51:49 AM. In this video you will learn how to use 2 Graphics API in Android and use Bitmap,Canvas,Paint and Path class and also learn how to create Custom View in Android
  • 2D Oval in Android 8/19/2015 2:51:18 AM. In this video you will learn how to use 2 Graphics API in Android and use Bitmap,Canvas,Paint and Path class and also learn how to create Custom View in Android
  • Fade Out Effect 8/17/2015 7:19:11 AM. FadeOut Effect is main effect in the world of Animation. In this video you to create a simple fadeout Effect in Android.
  • Frame By Frame Animation in Android 8/17/2015 4:17:28 AM. Animation is main part of any programming language, In this video will discuss about FrameByFrame animation in android to use image file, create a animation list and start animation with view.
  • FrameLayout in Android 8/17/2015 4:17:01 AM. Layout is important in the expect of designing interface of any application.In this video you will learn how to create and use frame layout in Android.
  • Toast in Android 8/17/2015 1:44:59 AM. Toast is the dialog in android which is used to showing warnings and notification and invisible without user confirmation.We will use Toast class in to create Toast in Android.In this video tutorial you will learn how to create and use toast in android.
  • Sdk Manager of Android 8/17/2015 1:32:45 AM. Sdk stands for Software Development Kit . Android Bundle comes with eclipse, Sdk and Sdk Manager. Sdk Manager is used to update all the sdks in available till now. It is so easy to use.In this video tutorial you will learn how to use SDK Manager in android.
  • Layout Using Java 8/17/2015 1:23:35 AM. In android you can create your activity Layout in both way mean using Java programming and xml files. In this video you will learn how to create and use Layout in java programming.
  • DatePicker Dialog 8/15/2015 11:37:33 PM. DatePicker Dialog is mean component in Android with help of this components we can deal with data and time in Android.In this you will learn how to create and use datepicker Dialog in Android.
  • Working With LinearLayout in Android Using Visual Studio 2010 - Part 15/13/2012 3:20:21 AM. The LinearLayout arranges views in a single column or a single row. It displays child View elements in a linear direction, either vertically or horizontally. Like a box, it contains controls inside. Controls are drawn one after another either horizontally or vertically according to the orientation of the layout.