Related resources for Assemblies cache Viewer
  • .NET Assemblies Ins and Out : Part III2/6/2024 8:27:12 AM. This is the third part of a series on .Net assemblies, delving into utilities for assembly manipulation. The Assembly Linker (AL.exe) aids in GAC installation, manifest creation, and resource addition
  • .NET Assemblies Ins and Out : Part I2/1/2024 11:48:55 AM. In Part 1, I will cover what exactly an assembly is, and what an assembly contains. Part 1 defines assemblies, their metadata, and types. It clarifies misconceptions between .NET PE files and traditio
  • .NET Assemblies Ins and Out : Part II2/1/2024 11:13:37 AM. In this part, I will discuss both Private and Shared assemblies and how to create a Shared Assembly. The creation process involves the Strong Name utility, signing the assembly, and using the Assembly