Related resources for Gang of four
  • Object Instantiation in C#: Part IV - The Builder Pattern9/17/2023 9:55:30 PM. There are many ways to approach object instantiation. In this article we’ll cover a few of the patterns used to instantiate objects. In the next article, we will take a look at the builder pattern for
  • Framework Design - The Template Method Pattern4/1/2020 7:51:19 AM. In this article, I'll teach you how to conceptualize and implement this wonderful design pattern. It's used frequently in application frameworks, so the final product will likely appear famili
  • Improving Efficiency With Strategy Design Pattern In JSON Parser Example6/4/2018 12:00:04 PM. Here we will see how Strategy Pattern helped in refactoring code in JSON parser example
  • The GOF Abstract Factory Design Pattern In C#10/4/2012 7:50:42 AM. This article covers the basics of the GOF Abstract Factory design pattern by looking at building Model T automobiles.
  • Bridge Patterns in C# 10/3/2012 8:17:57 AM. Bridge Pattern is commonly known as Handle/Body idiom in C++ community. This pattern is used for decoupling an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.
  • Adapter Pattern in C#10/3/2012 8:13:30 AM. The Gang Of Four (GoF) defined the Adaptor pattern as follows in their most famous book "Design Patterns" Gamma et al. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces."
  • Abstract Factory Pattern5/15/2012 2:27:20 PM. In this walkthrough I'll try to explain GOF (Gang of Four) Abstract Design pattern. This article is about managing multiple connection strings of different data providers (SQL, Oracle, OleDB etc.).
  • Singleton Pattern - Creational Pattern5/15/2012 2:12:39 PM. This is a part of the Creation Pattern. This pattern ensures that you have only one instance and provides a single point of contact to access the instance.
  • Strategy Pattern5/15/2012 2:04:03 PM. The Strategy Pattern is a GOF (Gang of Four) behavioral pattern where the intent is to "define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable".