Related resources for Linearlayout in android
  • Working With LinearLayout in Android Using Visual Studio 2010 - Part 23/20/2020 2:10:42 AM. This article is all about the gravity property and padding property in LinearLayout of android.
  • Linearlayout in Android 9/13/2015 2:38:03 PM. In this tutorial you will learn how to you linearlayout using xml file in android. In Linearlayout child component of the layout is lie according to line space in horizontal and vertical direction.
  • Working With LinearLayout in Android Using Visual Studio 2010 - Part 15/13/2012 3:20:21 AM. The LinearLayout arranges views in a single column or a single row. It displays child View elements in a linear direction, either vertically or horizontally. Like a box, it contains controls inside. Controls are drawn one after another either horizontally or vertically according to the orientation of the layout.